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【No. 1521】Hōmu shikku (ホームシック - Homesickness)

Feb 17, 2019 01:44
Hōmu shikku

Five days have passed since I came to Italy, and I am gradually becoming hōmu shikku (ホームシック).

Hōmu shikku is a nostalgic feeling that you want to back to your hometown or home, and it comes from the English term "homesick."

However, note that "homesick" is an adjective, whereas hōmu shikku is a noun. (In other words, hōmu shikku can be translated as "homesickness.")

Incidentally, you can say kaikyō-byō (懐郷病) instead of hōmu shikku.

Since kai (懐) means "nostalgia," kyō (郷) means "home/hometown," and byō (病) means "sick," the literal meaning of the combination is "a sick that you feel nostalgic about your home/hometown."


「ホームシック」とは、家庭や故郷を懐かしむ心情のことで、英語の "homesick" から来ています。

ただし、英語の "homesick" は形容詞である一方、日本語の「ホームシック」は名詞として扱われます(すなわち英語の "homesickness" に対応します)。


「懐」は "nostalgia"、「郷」は "home/hometown"、「病」は "a sick that you feel nostalgic about your home/hometown" を意味するので、「懐郷病」の文字どおりの意味は "" となります。

Corrections (2)

No. 1 SkyStormsong
  • Five days have passed since I came to Italy, and I am gradually becoming 'hōmu shikku' (ホームシック).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Hōmu shikku' is a nostalgic feeling that you want to back to your hometown or home, and it comes from the English term "homesick."
  • 'Hōmu shikku' is a nostalgic feeling that you want to go back to your hometown or home, and it comes from the English term "homesick."

    When speaking of returning home or something similar, you need the word "go" to show you "want to go back".

  • However, note that "homesick" is an adjective, whereas 'hōmu shikku' is a noun.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (In other words, 'hōmu shikku' can be translated as "homesickness.")
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, you can say 'kaikyō-byō' (懐郷病) instead of 'hōmu shikku'.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'kai' (懐) means "nostalgia," 'kyō' (郷) means "home/hometown," and 'byō' (病) means "sick," the literal meaning of the combination is "a sick that you feel nostalgic about your home/hometown."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 2 Natkal
  • Five days have passed since I came to Italy, and I am gradually becoming 'hōmu shikku' (ホームシック).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Hōmu shikku' is a nostalgic feeling that you want to back to your hometown or home, and it comes from the English term "homesick."
  • 'Hōmu shikku' is a nostalgic feeling that you want to go back to your hometown or home, and it comes from the English term "homesick."
  • However, note that "homesick" is an adjective, whereas 'hōmu shikku' is a noun.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (In other words, 'hōmu shikku' can be translated as "homesickness.")
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, you can say 'kaikyō-byō' (懐郷病) instead of 'hōmu shikku'.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'kai' (懐) means "nostalgia," 'kyō' (郷) means "home/hometown," and 'byō' (病) means "sick," the literal meaning of the combination is "a sick that you feel nostalgic about your home/hometown."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
