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【No. 1484】Hara ga Futoi (腹が太い - One's Heart is Large)

Jan 10, 2019 23:04
Hara ga Futoi

There is an idiom, hara ga futoi (腹が太い) in Japanese.

Hara (腹) usually means "stomach" or "belly," but here it implies "heart" or "capacity."

In addition, futoi (太い) means "large," "thick," or "wide."

That is to say, hara ga futoi is a compliment that means "one's heart/capacity is large."

However, it could literally mean that one's belly is big, so please be careful when you use this idiom.

Incidentally, in several areas of western Japan, hara ga futoi is used to mean to have a full stomach.


「腹」は通常 "stomach" や "belly" を意味しますが、ここでは「度量」や「胆力」のことを表しています。

また、「太い」は "large" や "thick"、"wide" を意味します。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 daChewyDuck17881
  • Hara ga Futoi
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There is an idiom, 'hara ga futoi' (腹が太い) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Hara' (腹) usually means "stomach" or "belly," but here it implies "heart" or "capacity."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'futoi' (太い) means "large," "thick," or "wide."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, 'hara ga futoi' is a compliment that means "one's heart/capacity is large."
  • That being said, 'hara ga futoi' is a compliment that means "one's heart/capacity is large."

    What you wrote wasn't grammatically incorrect, nor is it entirely unnatural. However, I suggest using "That being said,..." because it more clearly implies what you said before is added to your following statement! "That is to say" is more used when clarifying and rewording something that seems to be confusing.

  • However, it could literally mean that one's belly is big, so please be careful when you use this idiom.
  • However, it could also literally mean that one's belly is big, so please be careful when you use this idiom.

    The "also" is optional! As for the second blue part, in Japanese this phrase would sound quite natural and in spoken English it sounds natural. However, in formal written English it is more common to use indirect language rather "you." Try perhaps "It is advisable to be careful..."!

  • Incidentally, in several areas of western Japan, 'hara ga futoi' is used to mean to have a full stomach.
  • Coincidentally, in several areas of western Japan, 'hara ga futoi' is used to mean to have a full stomach.

    The difference between coincidentally and incidentally is subtle, to the point where native English speakers can barely tell the difference (I can't either, in fact)! So don't worry which you use; either way, you'll be perfectly understood.

Overall, a very well written English text without any grammar mistakes! I rather suggest that you practice native English writing patterns and do you best to not just translate from Japanese to English (but there is no shame in that!). Keep up the great work! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

Thank you so much for the correction and helpful comments!
I'm glad to hear you say that. (^^)
