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【No. 1479】Kado ga Toreru (角が取れる - Mellowing)

Jan 5, 2019 22:13
Kado ga Toreru

When someone who is harsh becomes to have a gentle nature due to his/her life experience, it is expressed as kado ga toreru (角が取れる) in Japanese.

Kado (角) usually means "corner," but here it means a sharp point of one's personality.

In addition, toreru (取れる) means "to remove" or "to come off."

Therefore, kadoga toreru means that a sharp part of one's personality removes, in other words, it means that one's personality becomes gentle or mellow.

Incidentally, I watched the movie "A Christmas Carol," and I thought that this term can be is used for Scrooge.


「角」は "corner" を意味しますが、ここでは性格の尖っている部分のことを表しています。

また、「取れる」は "to remove" や "to come off" を意味します。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 Amop567
  • When someone who is harsh becomes to have a gentle nature due to his/her life experience, it is expressed as 'kado ga toreru' (角が取れる) in Japanese.
  • When someone who is harsh becomes comes to have a gentle nature due to his/her life experience, it is expressed as 'kado ga toreru' (角が取れる) in Japanese.

    We don't say "becomes to"
    If you want to use "becomes" you should say something like , "becomes more gentle"

  • 'Kado' (角) usually means "corner," but here it means a sharp point of one's personality.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'toreru' (取れる) means "to remove" or "to come off."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Therefore, 'kadoga toreru' means that a sharp part of one's personality removes, in other words, it means that one's personality becomes gentle or mellow.
  • Therefore, 'kadoga toreru' means that a sharp part of one's personality is removed, in other words, it means that one's personality becomes gentle or mellow.

    "remove" is what we would call a transitive verb.

  • Incidentally, I watched the movie "A Christmas Carol," and I thought that this term can be is used for Scrooge.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Very clear and informative as always

Another synonym could be "soften"
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
On second thought, I think it would be clearer to translate it as "to be removed"
Thank you very much for the correction! (^^)
