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【No. 1453】Tori ni Tarinai (取るに足りない - Marginal)

Dec 10, 2018 23:32
Toru ni Tarinai

I sometimes do work that can be described as toru ni tarinai (取るに足りない).

Toruni tarinai means to describe trivial things, that is not worth to mention its details.

Toru (取る) means "to take" or "to pick up," tari (足り) means "enough" or "worth," and nai (ない) is a negative suffix to the previous term tari.

That is to say, the literal meaning of toru ni tarinai is "It is not worth to pick up."

Incidentally, some people say taranai (足らない) instead of tarinai.



「取る」は "to take" や "to pick up"、「足り」は "enough" や "worth"、「ない」は直前の「足り」を否定する語です。

すなわち「取るに足りない」の文字どおりの意味は "It is not worth to pick up" というわけです。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 Yukinekorin
  • 'Toruni tarinai' means to describe trivial things, that is not worth to mention its details.
  • 'Toruni tarinai' is used to describe trivial things that are not worth mentioning.

    "things" is a plural, hence it should be "that are" instead of "that is".

  • 'Toru' (取る) means "to take" or "to pick up," 'tari' (足り) means "enough" or "worth," and 'nai' (ない) is a negative suffix to the previous term 'tari'.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, the literal meaning of 'toru ni tarinai' is "It is not worth to pick up."
  • That is to say, the literal meaning of 'toru ni tarinai' is "It is not worth it to pick (it) up."
  • Incidentally, some people say 'taranai' (足らない) instead of 'tarinai'.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Interesting as usual! ^^
So...does 足らない have the same meaning as 足りない in this case?

Thank you so much for the correction!
> So...does 足らない have the same meaning as 足りない in this case?
Yes, both 足りない and 足らない have the same meaning. 足らない is a little bit old-fashioned.
