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【No. 1432】Tokoroga Dokkoi (ところがどっこい - However)

Nov 19, 2018 10:39
Tokoroga Dokkoi

A few days ago, I used the term tokoroga dokkoi (ところがどっこい) (though it is not often used).

Tokoroga (ところが) is a conjunction that is used to say something contrary to general expectations, and it can be translated in English as "however" or "although."

Dokkoi (どっこい) is a kind of exclamation that is used when putting your strength, and it is also said as dokkoisho (どっこいしょ).

However, in this case, dokkoi is just used to emphasize the previous term, tokoroga.

That is to say, if you use tokoroga dokkoi, it implies that you will say something that listeners never expect/image.


「ところが」は期待や予想に反することを述べる際に用いる接続詞で、英語では "however" や "although" に相当します。




Corrections (2)

No. 1 Spot53
  • A few days ago, I used the term 'tokoroga dokkoi' (ところがどっこい) (though it is not often used).
  • A few days ago, I used the term 'tokoroga dokkoi' (ところがどっこい) (a rather uncommon phrase).
  • 'Dokkoi' (どっこい) is a kind of exclamation that is used when putting your strength, and it is also said as 'dokkoisho' (どっこいしょ).
  • 'Dokkoi' (どっこい) is a kind of exclamation that is used when applying your (physical) strength to something, and it is also said as 'dokkoisho' (どっこいしょ).
  • That is to say, if you use 'tokoroga dokkoi', it implies that you will say something that listeners never expect/image.
  • That is to say, if you use 'tokoroga dokkoi', it implies that you will say something that listeners probably never expected or imaged.

I wonder if I will get a chance to use this expression. I am sure that even saying it would surprise some of the people that I talk to because is seems like such a colloquial expression.

Thank you so much for the correction!
Sorry for the reply late.
No. 2 Greg
  • That is to say, if you use 'tokoroga dokkoi', it implies that you will say something that listeners never expect/image.
  • That is to say, if you use 'tokoroga dokkoi', it implies that you will say something that your listeners would never expect/imagine.

Sounds like it might be equivalent to, "But wait! Listen to this..." What do you think?

Thank you for the correction! And sorry for the late reply.

> "But wait! Listen to this..."
Indeed, I think this is similar to ところがどっこい!
