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【No. 1423】Miira-tori ga Miira ni Naru (ミイラ取りがミイラになる - Many Go out for Wool and Come Home Shorn)

Nov 10, 2018 21:33
Miira-tori ga Miira ni Naru

I sometimes fall into a situation described by the proverb miira-tori ga miira ni naru (ミイラ取りがミイラになる).

Miira (ミイラ) means "mummy," tori (取り) means "hunter" or "taker," and naru (なる) means "to become," so the literal meaning of this proverb is "A mummy hunter becomes a mumy."

Here, miira-tori (ミイラ取り - "mummy hunter") implies a person who tries to bring someone back or persuade someone, and miira ni naru (ミイラになる - "becoming a mummy") implies that the person fails to fulfill his/her purpose.

If you want to express this proverb in English, you can say "Many go out for wool and come home shorn."


「ミイラ」は "mummy," 「取り」は ”hunter” や "taker," 「なる」は "to become" を意味するので、この諺の文字通りの意味は "A mummy hunter becomes a mummy" となります。


英語で同様の意味を持つ表現としては "Many go out for wool and come home shorn" があります。

Corrections (2)

No. 1 dec

So "Indiana Jones" becomes "in the 穴 Jones" ...

It is ingenious, haha.
No. 2 artboy598

Thanks for the lesson. I feel the same way often when debating with friends lol!

Haha, by the way, I think that it can also be described as 懐柔される.
