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【No. 1421】Shippo wo Dasu (尻尾を出す - Revealing One's Secret Unintentionally)

Nov 8, 2018 17:16
Shippo wo Dasu

Yesterday, I introduced you to the idion boro ga deru (ぼろが出る), which means to reveal one's secret faults/weaknesses unintentionally.

There is another idiom, shippo wo dasu (尻尾を出す), which has the similar meaning of this.

Shippo (尻尾) means "tail" and dasu (出す) means "to come out" or "to reveal," so the literal meaning of shippo wo dasu is "to reveal one's tail."

Here, the tail represents the tail of a raccoon dog or fox -- Japanese people have believed that raccoon dogs and foxes deceive people by changing their figure.

Even if they change their figure into something else, you can detect the truth by seeing their tail, so shippo wo dasu has come to mean that someone reveals his/her secret unintentionally.



「尻尾」は "tail," 「出す」は "to come out" や "to reveal" を意味するので、「尻尾を出す」の文字通りの意味は "to reveal one's tail" となります。



Corrections (1)

No. 1 Sam
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to the idion 'boro ga deru' (ぼろが出る), which means to reveal one's secret faults/weaknesses unintentionally.
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to the idiom 'boro ga deru' (ぼろが出る), which means to reveal one's secret faults/weaknesses unintentionally.
  • There is another idiom, 'shippo wo dasu' (尻尾を出す), which has the similar meaning of this.
  • There is another idiom, 'shippo wo dasu' (尻尾を出す), which has a similar meaning to this.
  • 'Shippo' (尻尾) means "tail" and 'dasu' (出す) means "to come out" or "to reveal," so the literal meaning of 'shippo wo dasu' is "to reveal one's tail."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, the tail represents the tail of a raccoon dog or fox -- Japanese people have believed that raccoon dogs and foxes deceive people by changing their figure.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Even if they change their figure into something else, you can detect the truth by seeing their tail, so 'shippo wo dasu' has come to mean that someone reveals his/her secret unintentionally.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Interesting, I love to learn Japanese idioms. There are tons in English that make almost no sense haha.

Thank you so much for the correction! I also love to learn interesting English idioms. :)
