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【No. 1378】Shinshū Osasshi Shimasu (心中お察しします - You Have My Sympathies)

Sep 26, 2018 15:04
Shinshū Osasshi Shimasu

When unhappy or sad events happen to someone, we sometimes say shinchū osasshi shimasu (心中お察しします) out of sympathy.

Shin (心) means "heart," chū (中) means "inside," o (お) is a polite prefix, and sassuru (察する) means "to guess something," "to infer something," or "to get a message."

That is to say, this phrase means that "I can infer and understand inside your heart (your feelings)."

You can also say okimochi osasshi itashimasu (お気持ちお察しいたします) by using okimochi (お気持ち - literally "feeling") instead of shinchū.


「心」は "heart," 「中」は "inside," 「察する」は "to guess something" や "to infer something," "to get a message" を意味します。


「心中」の代わりに "feeling" を意味する「お気持ち」を使い、「お気持ちお察しいたします」のように言うこともできます。

Corrections (2)

No. 1 dms727
  • When unhappy or sad events happen to someone, we sometimes say 'shinchū osasshi shimasu' (心中お察しします) out of sympathy.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Shin' (心) means "heart," 'chū' (中) means "inside," 'o' (お) is a polite prefix, and 'sassuru' (察する) means "to guess something," "to infer something," or "to get a message."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, this phrase means that "I can infer and understand inside your heart (your feelings)."
  • That is to say, this phrase means that "I can infer and understand inside your heart (your feelings)."

    Using "that" here is ok, but it is not needed and is probably more natural to omit it.

  • You can also say 'okimochi osasshi itashimasu' (お気持ちお察しいたします) by using 'okimochi' (お気持ち - literally "feeling") instead of shinchū.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Very well written. I made only one optional suggestion.

Thank you so much for the correction! (^^)
No. 2 friendfromfaraway
  • Shinshū Osasshi Shimasu (心中お察しします - You Have My Sympathies)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When unhappy or sad events happen to someone, we sometimes say 'shinchū osasshi shimasu' (心中お察しします) out of sympathy.
  • When unhappy or trsagicd events happen to someone, we sometimes say 'shinchū osasshi shimasu' (心中お察しします) out of sympathy.
  • That is to say, this phrase means that "I can infer and understand inside your heart (your feelings)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • You can also say 'okimochi osasshi itashimasu' (お気持ちお察しいたします) by using 'okimochi' (お気持ち - literally "feeling") instead of shinchū.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
