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【No. 1357】Isogaba Maware (急がば回れ - More Haste, Less Speed)

Sep 5, 2018 14:08
Isogaba Maware

Yesterday, a Lang-8 user taught me the English phrase "Haste makes waste."

This reminded me of the similar Japanese proverb, isogaba maware (急がば回れ).

Isogu (急ぐ) means "to hurry" or "haste," maware (回れ) means "to go around."

Even if you are in a hurry, it may be dangerous or make you get lost to use an unfamiliar shortcut.

In many cases, choosing a safe and reliable way would eventually lead to better results though it might seem like a detour.

The proverb isogaba maware expresses such a fact.

私は昨日、Lang-8 のユーザーから "Haste makes waste" というフレーズを教えてもらいました。


「急ぐ」は "to hurry" や "haste," 「回れ」は "to go around" を意味します。




Corrections (1)

No. 1 outdoors
  • Even if you are in a hurry, it may be dangerous or make you get lost to use an unfamiliar shortcut.
  • Even if you are in a hurry, using an unfamiliar shortcut may be dangerous or cmauske you to get lost. to use an unfamiliar shortcut.

    The way I corrected it is just one of many options. Changing the order of the sentence seems to make it more understandable.

Your English is very good.

Thank you so much for correcting my post again! (^^)
