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【No. 1341】Keshikaran (けしからん - Unreasonable)

Aug 20, 2018 14:21

When something is unreasonable and undesirable, you can express anger feelings by using the following phrase:

"Keshikaran" (けしからん).

Keshikaru/keshikara can be written as 異しかる or 怪しかる in kanji, and it means that something is abnormal.

Additionally, -n (ん) is a change in the sound of the negative auxiliary verb -zu/nu (ず/ぬ).

You might think that the denial of abnormal is normal.

However, the denial of abnormal here expresses that it is not just abnormal, it is terribly abnormal.

Meanwhile, these days on the Internet, this phrase is often used to mean "it is too sexy/cute."








Corrections (1)

No. 1 Fifi
  • When something is unreasonable and undesirable, you can express anger feelings by using the following phrase:
  • When something is unreasonable and undesirable, you can express your angry feelings by using the following phrase:
  • You might think that the denial of abnormal is normal.
  • You might think that the denial of abnormality is normality.
  • However, the denial of abnormal here expresses that it is not just abnormal, it is terribly abnormal.
  • However, the denial of abnormality here expresses that it is not just abnormal, it is terribly abnormal.
Thank you so much for the correction. :)
