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【No. 1295】Wan Wan and Nyan Nyan (ワンワンとニャンニャン- Doggie and Kitty)

Jul 5, 2018 19:48
I would like to write about cats and dogs continuing from yesterday.

In Japan, a dog bark is represented as "wan wan" (ワンワン), and a cat's cry is represented as "nyan nyan" (ニャンニャン).

These terms are used not only as cries but also as baby words that refer the animal itself.

That is to say, "wan wan" and "nyan nyan" can mean dog and cat, respectively.

I think that these words correspond to doggie, kitty, or meow in English.

However, please note that somehow nyan nyan sometimes mean sexual activity.





これらは英語での 'doggie,' 'kitty,' 'meow' に相当すると思います。


Corrections (2)

No. 1 mikage893
  • Wan Wan and Nyan Nyan (ワンワンとニャンニャン- Doggie and Kitty)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I would like to write about cats and dogs continuing from yesterday.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, a dog bark is represented as "wan wan" (ワンワン), and a cat's cry is represented as "nyan nyan" (ニャンニャン).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • These terms are used not only as cries but also as baby words that refer the animal itself.
  • These terms are used not only as cries but also as baby words that refer to the animal itself as well.
  • That is to say, "wan wan" and "nyan nyan" can mean 'dog' and 'cat,' respectively.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that these words correspond to 'doggie,' 'kitty,' or 'meow' in English.
  • I think that these words correspond to 'doggie' and 'kitty,' in English.
  • However, please note that somehow 'nyan nyan' sometimes mean sexual activity.
  • However, please note that somehow 'nyan nyan' sometimes means sexual activity.

    How would you use ’nyan nyan’ in a sentence for sexual activity? Could you give an example sentence? 例文

Interesting article.

Thank you so much for the corrections!

> How would you use ’nyan nyan’ in a sentence for sexual activity? Could you give an example sentence? 例文
When expressing the meaning, it is usually used with the verb 'suru' (する - do), for example, "nyan nyan suru" (ニャンニャンする).

Kanojo to nyan nyan shita (彼女とニャンニャンした - I made love to my girlfriend).
No. 2 Trav
  • I would like to write about cats and dogs continuing from yesterday.
  • Continuing from yesterday's post, I would like to write some more about cats and dogs.
  • In Japan, a dog bark is represented as "wan wan" (ワンワン), and a cat's cry is represented as "nyan nyan" (ニャンニャン).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • These terms are used not only as cries but also as baby words that refer the animal itself.
  • These terms are used not only as representations of their cries, but also as childlike expressions for the animals themselves.

    Since there is more than one type of animal, I think it should be "animals themselves."

  • That is to say, "wan wan" and "nyan nyan" can mean 'dog' and 'cat,' respectively.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think that these words correspond to 'doggie,' 'kitty,' or 'meow' in English.
  • I think that these words correspond to 'doggie' and 'kitty' in English.

    I've never heard using 'meow' to refer to a cat or a kitten. When I was looking online, however, I found that 'meow meow' is the street name for a synthetic stimulant.

  • However, please note that somehow 'nyan nyan' sometimes mean sexual activity.
  • However, please note that for some reason (or other) 'nyan nyan' sometimes means sexual activity.

Hi Toru! This post reminded me of another English words for cat, 'pussy' or 'pussy cat.' 'Pussy' can also be used as vulgar slang for a women's genitals or for someone who is weak or cowardly.

Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
It's very interesting that both English and Japanese have the word linking cats and women. :)
