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【No. 1289】Lack of Sleep

Jun 29, 2018 14:36
These days I have trouble getting to sleep.

I think the reason is that I fiddle with my computer and smartphone before going to bed or in bed.

We sleep and wake up on a 24-hour cycle -- this is thanks to melatonin, which is known as a kind of hormones.

During the night, the amount of melatonin secretion increases as it grows dark, and it makes you sleepy.

In the morning, the melatonin secretion is suppressed when exposing to the strong light of the sun, and it causes you to awaken.

Unfortunately, blue lights generated from computers or smartphones suppress the melatonin secretion just like when you are exposed to the sunlight.

If you want to get a good quality sleep, you should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones in an hour before getting to bed.








Corrections (2)

No. 1 David
  • These days I have trouble getting to sleep.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think the reason is that I fiddle with my computer and smartphone before going to bed or in bed.
  • I think the reason is that I usee with my computer and smartphone before going to sleep.

    fiddle --> use - Your word is not wrong but it would be and odd choice. You can fiddle with a computer's settings before you use a computer.

    before going to bed or in bed - to sleep - Yours isn't wrong. I can understand why you worded it that way (to cover all options) but it just sounds odd.

  • We sleep and wake up on a 24-hour cycle -- this is thanks to 'melatonin,' which is known as a kind of hormones.
  • We sleep and wake up on a 24-hour cycle -- this is thanks to 'melatonin,' which is known as a kind of hormone.

    hormones --> hormone - Melatonin, xxxxxx and zyyyy are hormones. Melatonin is a hormone.

  • During the night, the amount of melatonin secretion increases as it grows dark, and it makes you sleepy.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the morning, the melatonin secretion is suppressed when exposing to the strong light of the sun, and it causes you to awaken.
  • In the morning, the melatonin secretion is suppressed when exposed to the strong light of the sun, and it causes you to awaken.

    when exposing -> when exposed - Melatonin isn't exposing itself to the sun it is exposed to the sun.

    The sequencing of the sentence could be improved.

    In the morning, when exposed to the strong light of the sun the melatonin secretion is suppressed and it causes you to awaken.

  • Unfortunately, blue lights generated from computers or smartphones suppress the melatonin secretion just like when you are exposed to the sunlight.
  • Unfortunately, blue light generated by computers and smartphones suppresses melanin secretion just like when you are exposed to sunlight.

    blue lights (i have multiple lights each colored blue)--> blue light - (The light itself is perceived as being the color blue)

    generated from--> generated by - Yours is okay but it'd be more common to use generated by

    computers or smartphones --> computers and smartphones - Again, yours is okay but it would be more common to refer to them as a group and not as choices. Does that make sense?

    suppress --> suppresses - blue light (singular).... suppresses - This is easy to miss because you have "computers" and "smartphones" just before the word. The sentence sounds okay using "suppress" and you'd have to stop and think about it to figure out that it should be "suppresses." Don't worry about this kind of error (unless your being graded) because it would be a common error an real conversations.

    suppresses the melanin --> suppresses melanin - Yours is okay. but so is mine. I think melanin can be treated as both an uncountable and a countable noun depending on how you want to use it.

    o the sunlight --> to sunlight - Sunlight is an uncountable noun so it doesn't need an article. If you're referring to a specific... amount of sunlight or a specific location of sunlight you could use an article

    Sunlight is bright.
    The sunlight decreased the insterment's sensitivity.

    Don't spend much time worrying about this. It's kind of a judgement call.

  • If you want to get a good quality sleep, you should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones in an hour before getting to bed.
  • If you want to get a good quality sleep, you should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones for an hour before going to bed.

when exposing -> when exposed - Melatonin isn't exposing itself to the sun it is exposed to the sun.


Melatonin isn't exposing itself to the sun your system/bodl is exposed to the sun.

And one more....

should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones --> should not fiddle with computers or smartphones

In all our examples so far, we’ve used “nor” to indicate a negative state that continues after something else negative happens. However, when the second negative item is a noun, adjective, or adverb phrase (4), you should use “or” to continue the negative thought because according to Bryan Garner “the initial negative carries through to all the enumerated elements” (5). For example, when you use the word “not,” the structure “not A or B” is correct. You’d have to say, “He is not interested in math or science”; “He is not interested in math nor science” won’t work. Likewise, “She didn’t speak slowly or clearly” has a better ring to it than “She didn’t speak slowly nor clearly.”When to Use Either “Nor” or “Or”

If, on the other hand, the second part of the negative is a verb phrase—not a verb clause—then you can choose to use “nor” or “or” (6). Both of the following sentences will work: “Santa will not permit naughty behavior or even consider bringing presents.” “Santa will not permit naughty behavior nor even consider bringing presents.” You as the writer get to decide which one sounds better. If you’re unsure which word to use, or if you want to avoid the problem, you can try saying, “and no” for the second part of the negative (7): “I have no time and no money.” The phrase “and not” will also work: “Santa will not permit naughty behavior and will not even consider bringing presents.”

Don't get discouraged with all my comments. Your English is very good. You're at the stage where you don't have to worry so much about being right you're at the stage where you spend the rest of your life making it better. ;o)
Thank you so much for the helpful corrections!
There are still a lot of things for me to learn.

I have a question. I have no idea the meaning of the word 'insterment;' is it 'instrument' or something?
Sigh... and now you're correcting me... you're absolutely correct!

James suggestions are very good and a lot less wordy.
Sigh... and now you're correcting me... you're absolutely correct!

James suggestions are very good and a lot less wordy.
Sigh... and now you're correcting me... you're absolutely correct!

James suggestions are very good and a lot less wordy.
Sigh... and now you're correcting me... you're absolutely correct!

James suggestions are very good and a lot less wordy.
Sigh... and now you're correcting me... you're absolutely correct!

James suggestions are very good and a lot less wordy.
No. 2 closed
  • Lack of Sleep
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • These days I have trouble getting to sleep.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think the reason is that I fiddle with my computer and smartphone before going to bed or in bed.
  • I think the reason is that I fiddle with my computer and smartphone before going to bed or while in bed.
  • We sleep and wake up on a 24-hour cycle -- this is thanks to 'melatonin,' which is known as a kind of hormones.
  • We sleep and wake up on a 24-hour cycle -- this is thanks to 'melatonin,' which is a type of hormone.

    Just an FYI, the 24-hour cycle which a person is awake and asleep is called a "circadian rhythm".

  • During the night, the amount of melatonin secretion increases as it grows dark, and it makes you sleepy.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the morning, the melatonin secretion is suppressed when exposing to the strong light of the sun, and it causes you to awaken.
  • In the morning, the melatonin secretion is suppressed when you are exposed to daylight, and it causes you to awaken.
  • Unfortunately, blue lights generated from computers or smartphones suppress the melatonin secretion just like when you are exposed to the sunlight.
  • Unfortunately, blue lights generated from computers or smartphones suppress the melatonin secretion just like when you are exposed to the sunlight.

    I've crossed-out the definite articles since I feel they add too much emphasis to the nouns they're modifying ("melatonin secretion" and "sunlight"). FYI, it is completely okay to include them.

  • If you want to get a good quality sleep, you should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones in an hour before getting to bed.
  • If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should not fiddle with computers nor smartphones in the hour before getting to bed.

    "A good night's sleep" is a set phrase in English that means "a good quality sleep".

Well, I wasn't aware that the light from computer screens and smartphones were in the same range as daylight.

Thank you so much for correcting my post!
Yes, daylight has a wider wavelength width, but the visible light range is the same.
