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【No. 1253】Hyō and Arare (Hailstone)

May 24, 2018 21:20
Around today's noon, a lot of large hailstones fell in Hachioji city, Tokyo.

I was astonished because loud noises suddenly generated from outside windows.

The reason seems that cumulonimbus clouds developed rapidly due to the passing of pressure trough accompanied by cold air.

Surprisingly, the diameter of the hailstones was more than 1 cm.

In Japan, hailstones are called hyō (ひょう) when the diameter exceeds 5 mm, whereas they are called arare (あられ) when the diameter is less than 5 mm.

Incidentally, hyō and arare often fall in early summer and early winter, respectively.




驚くことに、氷粒の直径は 1 cm を超えていました。

日本では、氷粒の直径が 5 mm を超えると「ひょう」、5 mm 未満の場合は「あられ」と言います。


Corrections (2)

No. 1 atsui
  • Around today's noon, a lot of large hailstones fell in Hachioji city, Tokyo.
  • Today around noon, a lot of large hailstones fell in Hachioji city, Tokyo.

    There's a few variations you can say this, but here's one that sounds natural to me.

  • I was astonished because loud noises suddenly generated from outside windows.
  • I was astonished because loud noises suddenly rang out from outside the windows.

    "generated" is kind of dry language, so I replaced it with something more descriptive. Maybe "rang out" is more like storytelling language. In normal conversation, maybe you can just say "came".

  • The reason seems that cumulonimbus clouds developed rapidly due to the passing of pressure trough accompanied by cold air.
  • The reason seems that cumulonimbus clouds developed rapidly due to the passing of a pressure trough accompanied by cold air.

Amazing! I was in Tokyo but I didn't notice anything from inside the office.

ひょう has a kanji, right? Is this it? 氷

Thank you so much for the correction!
> ひょう has a kanji, right? Is this it? 氷
Yes, ひょう has a kanji, but it is not 氷. ひょう can be written as 雹 in kanji, but it is not included in the national list of Chinese characters in common use.
No. 2 artboy598
  • Around today's noon, a lot of large hailstones fell in Hachioji city, Tokyo.
  • Around noon today, a lot of large hailstones fell in Hachioji city, Tokyo.
  • Surprisingly, the diameter of the hailstones was more than 1 cm.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, hailstones are called hyō (ひょう) when the diameter exceeds 5 mm, whereas they are called arare (あられ) when the diameter is less than 5 mm.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, hyō and arare often fall in early summer and early winter, respectively.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!


Thank you so much always for correcting me! :)
