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【No. 1240】Keshikaran (けしからん - Disgraceful)

May 11, 2018 16:30
We say keshikaran (けしからん) when expressing that something is contrary to reason or disgraceful.

Keshi (けし) means that something is abnormal, and karan (からん) came from karazu (からず), which is a negative word.

Therefore, keshikaran means that something is not just abnormal, it is extremely abnormal.

This term tends to be used by senior men.

However, these days on the Internet, people (especially young people) sometimes use keshikaran for sexually women or cute gestures of animals as the meaning of "it's too sexy/cute."






Corrections (1)

No. 1 sornvru
  • We say keshikaran (けしからん) when expressing that something is contrary to reason or disgraceful.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Keshi (けし) means that something is abnormal, and karan (からん) came from karazu (からず), which is a negative word.
  • Keshi (けし) means that something is abnormal and karan (からん) came from karazu (からず), which is a negative word.

    When joining two sentences, you do not need a comma before the "and"

  • Therefore, keshikaran means that something is not just abnormal, it is extremely abnormal.
  • Therefore, keshikaran means that something is not just abnormal, it is extremely abnormal.

    "Therefore" is okay, but it's old-sounding and formal. Most of the time "So" is a more common choice unless you are writing a formal paper.

    The word "that" in nearly all cases is not necessary. It is a common habit of native speakers to use it, but it will make your writing look better without it. It's okay if you use it to point out a specific thing, like "that book," but you can nearly always remove the word completely without losing anything.

  • This term tends to be used by senior men.
  • This term tends to be used by older men.

    "seniors" can refer to a group of elderly people, but as adjective it's used for job titles mostly, as in "senior manager." "Older men" is a less-specific word, but is more common.

  • However, these days on the Internet, people (especially young people) sometimes use keshikaran for sexually women or cute gestures of animals as the meaning of "it's too sexy/cute."
  • However, these days on the Internet, people (especially young people) sometimes use keshikaran for sexy women or cute gestures of animals as the meaning of "it's too sexy/cute."

    "sexy" (casual) or "sexually attractive" (more formal)

「けしからん」is a word I haven't heard. Thanks for teaching me!

Thank you so much for the corrections! :)
