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【No. 1146】Kokoro Odoru (心躍る - Exciting)

Feb 6, 2018 19:07
Yesterday, I introduced you to the Japanese term 胸騒ぎ (munasawagi), which means to have a bad feeling.

Today I'd like to talk about another Japanese term: 心躍る (kokoro odoru), which means to be excited with expecting good things.

心 (kokoro) means "heart" and 躍る (odoru) means "to leap up," so the literal meaning of this term si "one's heart leaps up."

This is comes from the fact that your heart skip a beat as if it would leap up when you're excited.

Remember that "munasawagi" is usually used for a bad feeling, but it can also used when expecting good things.

On the other hand, "kokoro odoru" is only used as a good meaning.



「心」は "heart," 「躍る」は "" を意味するので、「心躍る」の文字通りの意味は "" となります。




Corrections (2)

No. 1 toc
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to the Japanese term 胸騒ぎ (munasawagi), which means to have a bad feeling.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I'd like to talk about another Japanese term: 心躍る (kokoro odoru), which means to be excited with expecting good things.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 心 (kokoro) means "heart" and 躍る (odoru) means "to leap up," so the literal meaning of this term si "one's heart leaps up."
  • 心 (kokoro) means "heart" and 躍る (odoru) means "to leap up," so the literal meaning of this term is "one's heart leaps up." こころ 心 [kokoro] mind; heart; spirit; the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.) しん 心 [shin] heart; mind; spirit; vitality; inner strength; Chinese "Heart" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); friend
  • This is comes from the fact that your heart skip a beat as if it would leap up when you're excited.
  • This is comes from the fact that your heart skips a beat, as if it might leap up when you're excited.
  • Remember that "munasawagi" is usually used for a bad feeling, but it can also used when expecting good things.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On the other hand, "kokoro odoru" is only used as a good meaning.
  • On the other hand, "kokoro odoru" is only used to describe positive feelings as a good meaning.

Very interesting! I will try to remember and use these two phrases. Thank you!

Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
No. 2 Yun

"Kokoro odoru"

千と千尋の神隠し(Spirited away)

