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【No. 1099】Hanashi no Koshi wo Oru (話の腰を折る - Interrupting when Someone is Talking)

Dec 21, 2017 20:35
Today, I sometimes interrupted others in the middle of talking.

Such an action is called 話の腰を折る (hanashi no koshi wo oru) in Japanese.

The 話 (hanashi) means "story/conversation," the 腰 (koshi) means "a lower back/waist," and the 折る (oru) means "to break," so the literal meaning of this term is "to break a lower back of conversation."

"A lower back" is a very important part of the body, and if it's hurt, it will become difficult to support your body.

Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.



「話」は "story/conversation," 「腰」は "lower back," 「折る」は "to break" を意味するので、「話の腰を折る」の文字通りの意味は "to break a lower back of conversation" となります。



Corrections (3)

No. 1 pyrpoi
  • Hanashi no Koshi wo Oru (話の腰を折る - Interrupting when Someone is Talking)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I sometimes interrupted others in the middle of talking.
  • Today, I sometimes interrupted others in the middle of talking.

    I would say either 1: Today I interrupted another when they were talking OR 2 I sometimes interrupt others when they are talking

  • Such an action is called 話の腰を折る (hanashi no koshi wo oru) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The 話 (hanashi) means "story/conversation," the 腰 (koshi) means "a lower back/waist," and the 折る (oru) means "to break," so the literal meaning of this term is "to break a lower back of conversation."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "A lower back" is a very important part of the body, and if it's hurt, it will become difficult to support your body.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction! (^^)
No. 2 piepmachientje
  • The 話 (hanashi) means "story/conversation," the 腰 (koshi) means "a lower back/waist," and the 折る (oru) means "to break," so the literal meaning of this term is "to break a lower back of conversation."
  • The 話 (hanashi) means "story/conversation," the 腰 (koshi) means "lower back/waist," and the 折る (oru) means "to break," so the literal meaning of this term is "to break the lower back of the conversation."

    Usually when translating words to English like this you leave out 'a' or 'the'. Could also be "to break the lower back of a conversation", which sounds a little bit more general than 'the', but honestly both could work.

  • "A lower back" is a very important part of the body, and if it's hurt, it will become difficult to support your body.
  • The lower back is a very important part of the body, and if it's hurt, it will become difficult to support your body.

    Here you would put 'the', because otherwise the sentence becomes ungrammatical. "the" is more appropriate than a because the body only has one lower back. This means it is more natural sounding to use the more specific

    "the". In the last sentence you already introduced the word "lower back", so it is okay to leave out the " symbols.

  • Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.
  • Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.

    "interrupt someone when they're talking" could also work, if you are specifically talking about interrupting the person that is doing the talking.

Thank you, I learned a new Japanese idiom ^ - ^

Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I learned something new! (^^)
No. 3 piepmachientje
  • Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.
  • Because of this, 話の腰を折る has come to mean to interrupt when someone is talking.

    Usually when translating words to English like this you leave out 'a' or 'the'. Could also be "to break the lower back of a conversation", which sounds a little bit more general than 'the', but honestly both could work.

Thank you, I learned a new Japanese idiom ^ - ^

Thank you again! (^^)
