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【No. 1055】Hashoru (端折る - Shortening)

Nov 7, 2017 10:50
To shorten and organize something is called "hashoru" (はしょる) in Japanese.

"Hashoru" comes from "hashioru," which is written in kanji as "端折る."

Here the "hashi" (端) means "edge," and the "oru" (折る) means "to fold."

Therefore, this term originally meant an action of folding a hem of kimono (traditional Japanese clothes) and putting it into obi (kimono's belt-like accessory).

The meaning has been extended, and these days it is often used to mean to shorten an explanation or a story.

Note that "hashoru" is sometimes regarded as oral language or an slang term.

If you want to say it more formally, use the verb "shōryaku-suru" (省略する).



ここで「端」は "edge" を、「折る」は "to fold" を意味します。





Corrections (1)

No. 1 Aurora
  • To shorten and organize something is called "hashoru" (はしょる) in Japanese.
  • To shorten and organ omizet something is called "hashoru" (はしょる) in Japanese.
  • "Hashoru" comes from "hashioru," which is written in kanji as "端折る."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here the "hashi" (端) means "edge," and the "oru" (折る) means "to fold."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Therefore, this term originally meant an action of folding a hem of kimono (traditional Japanese clothes) and putting it into obi (kimono's belt-like accessory).
  • Therefore, this term originally meant thean action of folding thea hem of a kimono (traditional Japanese clothinges) and putting it into an obi (a kimono's belt-like accessory).
  • The meaning has been extended, and these days it is often used to mean to shorten an explanation or a story.
  • The meaning has beechan gextended, and these days it is often used to mean to shorten an explanation or a story.
  • Note that "hashoru" is sometimes regarded as oral language or an slang term.
  • Note that "hashoru" is sometimes regarded as oral/spoken language or an slang term.
  • If you want to say it more formally, use the verb "shōryaku-suru" (省略する).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)
