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【No. 1038】Kogarashi (木枯らし - Cold Autumn Wind)

Oct 21, 2017 13:43
I think that "kogarashi" (木枯らし) will blow in a few days.

"Kogarashi" is strong cold winds that are blew from late autumn to early winter.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, if a wind blows from the north at a speed of 8m/s or more after the pressure pattern became a typical winter one (high-pressure area to the west, and the low-pressure area to the east), the wind will be regarded as "kogarashi."

The etymology of this term is very simple.

The "ko" (木) of "kogarashi" means "tree," and the "garashi" (枯らし) means "to blight green things."

Therefore, "kogarashi" implies a wind that is a strong/cold wind enough to blight trees.



日本の気象庁によると、西高東低の冬型の気圧配置になり、北よりの風速 8 m/s 以上の風が吹いた時、その風を「木枯らし」と認定するそうです。


「木枯らし」の「木」は "tree," 「枯らし」は "to blight green things" を意味します。


Corrections (1)

No. 1 Timmy
  • "Kogarashi" is strong cold winds that are blew from late autumn to early winter.
  • "Kogarashi" is a strong cold wind that blows during the late autumn and early winter period.
  • Therefore, "kogarashi" implies a wind that is a strong/cold wind enough to blight trees.
  • Therefore, "kogarashi" implies a wind that is a strong/cold enough to make trees wither.

Interesting! As I grow older I hate cold weather more and more)

Thank you so much always for correcting my post! :)
I can understand that feeling well.
You're welcome!
