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【No. 1001】Warikan (割り勘 - Dutch Treat) Part 1

Sep 14, 2017 20:46
When you have a meal with several people, especially share the dish on a large platter, the payment will usually become "warikan" (割り勘).

"Warikan" means that everyone who had meals together pays the same amount, which is the total cost of the meal divided by the number of people.

The word "warikan" is short for "warimae kanjō" (割り前勘定), here the "warimae" (割り前) means "amount to be allocated," and the "kanjō" (勘定) menas "to pay for something."

From a global viewpoint, it seems that there are many cases where one representative pays the full amount.

I heard that some countries don't have a word directly referring to "warikan," and some countries don't have the concept of "warikan."

Tomorrow I'd like to introduce the way of thinking and expressing for "warikan" in some countries.
割り勘 Part 1






Corrections (3)

No. 1 Suzu
  • When you have a meal with several people, especially share the dish on a large platter, the payment will usually become "warikan" (割り勘).
  • When you have a meal with several people, especially when sharing a large dish, you usually pay by "warikan" (割り勘).
  • "Warikan" means that everyone who had meals together pays the same amount, which is the total cost of the meal divided by the number of people.
  • "Warikan" means that everyone divides the total cost of the meal by the number of people and then each pay their share.
  • The word "warikan" is short for "warimae kanjō" (割り前勘定), here the "warimae" (割り前) means "amount to be allocated," and the "kanjō" (勘定) menas "to pay for something."
  • The word "warikan" is short for "warimae kanjō" (割り前勘定), where (the) "warimae" (割り前) means "amount to be allocated," and (the) "kanjō" (勘定) means "to pay for something."
  • I heard that some countries don't have a word directly referring to "warikan," and some countries don't have the concept of "warikan."
  • I (have) heard that some countries don't have an equivalent word for "warikan," and that some countries don't (even) have the concept of "warikan."


Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
そう言って頂けて嬉しいです (^^)
No. 2 Fifi
  • From a global viewpoint, it seems that there are many cases where one representative pays the full amount.
  • From a global viewpoint, it seems quite common for one person to the full amount.
  • Tomorrow I'd like to introduce the way of thinking and expressing for "warikan" in some countries.
  • Tomorrow I'd like to introduce the way of thinking and expressing for "warikan" in some countries.
Thank you so much for the corrections! (^^)
No. 3 Mike

割り勘の意味がわかってたのに、Dutch Treatの意味をがわからなかった自分はどうなっているのでしょうw


割り勘は俗語 (slang term) に近いので、これを知っている外国人はすごいと思います(笑)
「Dutch Treat」や「Going Dutch」はイギリスで作られた言葉のようなので、アメリカやオーストラリアではあまり一般的ではないのかもしれません。
