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【No. 0933】Itachi no Saigoppe (イタチの最後っ屁)

Jul 8, 2017 21:30
Previously, I introduced the Japanese idiom, "itachi gokko" (いたちごっこ), which means that two people repeat the same thing to each other.

In Japan, there is another famous idiom that uses the animal "itachi" (イタチ - weasel).

It is "itachi no saigoppe" (イタチの最後っ屁), the literal meaning of which is "weasel's final fart."

"Itachi no saigoppe" means to use the last resort when you are in trouble or thrust into a bad situation.

This comes from the fact that weasels give off a terrible smell to escape when they are driven by an enemy.






Corrections (1)

No. 1 Kay
  • This comes from the fact that weasels give off a terrible smell to escape when they are driven by an enemy.
  • This comes from the fact that weasels give off a terrible smell to escape when they are cornered by an enemy.

Hahaha, that idiom's hilarious! I wanna use it some time. I mean, it's probably not gonna be a good thing if I ever get to use it in real life, but the imagery is quite funny.

Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
Haha, the situation that you use this idiom is not good indeed. As far as I remember, I used this term only when playing a video game with my friends.
