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【No. 0900】Mizo-ochi (Epigastrium)

Jun 5, 2017 20:32
There are many vital parts in human bodies.

Today I'd like to introduce the part called "mizo-ochi" among of them.

Mizo-ochi refers to a concave part in the center of your chest or the upper side of your stomach -- it's technically called epigastrium.

There are so many sympathetic nerves in the back of mizo-ochi (which is technically called “celiac plexus”), it is very sensitive to pain.

If an impact is sent there, your diaphragm may temporarily stop, which may cause dyspnea.

Incidentally, "mizo-ozhi" comes from "mizu ochi," which means "where water falls" (mizu means water and ochi means to fall).







Corrections (1)

No. 1 クライド
  • There are many vital parts in human bodies.
  • There are many vital parts/organs in the human body.
  • Today I'd like to introduce the part called "mizo-ochi" among of them.
  • Today I'd like to introduce/talk about an organ called "mizo-ochi."
  • Mizo-ochi refers to a concave part in the center of your chest or the upper side of your stomach -- it's technically called epigastrium.
  • Mizo-ochi refers to the concave part in the center of your chest or the upper side of your stomach -- it's technically called the 'epigastrium.'
  • There are so many sympathetic nerves in the back of mizo-ochi (which is technically called “celiac plexus”), it is very sensitive to pain.
  • There are so many sympathetic nerves in the back of mizo-ochi (which is technically called the “celiac plexus”), and/so it is very sensitive to pain.
  • If an impact is sent there, your diaphragm may temporarily stop, which may cause dyspnea.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, "mizo-ozhi" comes from "mizu ochi," which means "where water falls" (mizu means water and ochi means to fall).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

Great post Kanotown! :D

Thank you so much always for correcting my post, クライドさん! (^^)
