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【No. 0831】Tedama ni Toru (To Lead Someone by the Nose)

Mar 28, 2017 07:43
Today I'd like to talk about the Japanese idiom "tedama ni toru."

The literal meaning is "to take tedama," and it means to lead or control someone as you wish.

Here "tedama" is a Japanese traditional toy, "otedama," which is made by putting azuki beans or rice into a small cloth bag, and sewing it.

"Otedama" also means a kind of games for girls -- they enjoy throwing some otedama straight up into the air with a certain rule or timing according to a song.

Since girls manipulated otedama at will, "tedama ni toru" (to take tedama) came to mean "to lead/control someone."






Corrections (2)

No. 1 Bantarific
  • Tedama ni Toru (To Lead Someone by the Nose)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I'd like to talk about the Japanese idiom "tedama ni toru."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The literal meaning is "to take tedama," and it means to lead or control someone as you wish.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here "tedama" is a Japanese traditional toy, "otedama," which is made by putting azuki beans or rice into a small cloth bag, and sewing it.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Otedama" also means a kind of games for girls -- they enjoy throwing some otedama straight up into the air with a certain rule or timing according to a song.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since girls manipulated otedama at will, "tedama ni toru" (to take tedama) came to mean "to lead/control someone."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

It's always interesting to hear about the origination of idioms.

Thank you so much for checking my post! :)
No. 2 Tokyo Good
  • Here "tedama" is a Japanese traditional toy, "otedama," which is made by putting azuki beans or rice into a small cloth bag, and sewing it.
  • Here "tedama" is a Japanese traditional toy, also known as "otedama," which is made by putting azuki beans or rice into a small cloth bag, and sewing it up.
  • "Otedama" also means a kind of games for girls -- they enjoy throwing some otedama straight up into the air with a certain rule or timing according to a song.
  • "Otedama" also refers to a game played by girls. They throw the otedama straight up into the air according to certain rules and timing given by a song.
  • Since girls manipulated otedama at will, "tedama ni toru" (to take tedama) came to mean "to lead/control someone."
  • Since the girls manipulate the otedama at will, "tedama ni toru" (to take tedama) came to mean "to lead/control someone."
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
