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【No. 0762】Noroma

Jan 18, 2017 23:54
Today I will talk about the Japanese word "noroma".

"Noroma" means a dull person or something dull.

It is said that this word comes from "Noroma ningyo" (Noroma doll) in "Ai Kyogen" (comic interludes), which was performed by a puppeteer called Noromatsu Kanbe.

The Noroma ningyo was a dubious doll that has a flat and pale face, and moves slowly.

The noun "noroma" was made from this fact, and a adjective "noroi" (dull) was also made.

By the way, "noroi" can be regarded as a noun, and in such a case, it means "curse".

"A dull curse" can be translated to into Japanese as "noroi noroi".






ちなみに「のろい」は名詞と捉えることもでき、その場合は "curse" を意味します。

"A dull curse" は日本語で「のろいのろい」となります。

Corrections (1)

No. 1 desirage
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese word "noroma".
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese word "noroma."
  • "Noroma" means a dull person or something dull.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is said that this word comes from "Noroma ningyo" (Noroma doll) in "Ai Kyogen" (comic interludes), which was performed by a puppeteer called Noromatsu Kanbe.
  • It is said that this word comes from "Noroma ningyo" (Noroma doll) in "Ai Kyogen" (comic interludes), which were performed by a puppeteer named Noromatsu Kanbe.
  • The Noroma ningyo was a dubious doll that has a flat and pale face, and moves slowly.
  • The Noroma ningyo was a dubious doll that has a pale flat face and slow movements.

    Removed comma after face. In some cases you can puts two adjectives before a noun like pale flat face, e.g. red leather glove.

  • The noun "noroma" was made from this fact, and a adjective "noroi" (dull) was also made.
  • The noun "noroma" was made (created/born/inspired by) from this fact and a adjective "noroi" (dull) was also made. (created/born/also came into being).

    Also commas are not necesarily unless listing three or more items

  • By the way, "noroi" can be regarded as a noun, and in such a case, it means "curse".
  • By the way (Additionally, Furthermore, Moreover) "noroi" can be regarded as a noun and in such a case, it means meaning "curse."

    By the way is only for speech, too casual for writing.

    "and in such a case, it means" <----also correct but perhaps easier just to replace with "meaning"

  • "A dull curse" can be translated to into Japanese as "noroi noroi".
  • "A dull curse" can be translated to into Japanese as "noroi noroi."
Thank you so much for the corrections and helpful comments! :)
