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【No. 0743】Mushi no Shirase (Word of Insects)

Dec 30, 2016 18:16
Today I will talk about the idiom "mushi no shirase", the literal meaning of which is "word of insects".

"Mushi no shirase" means to feel that something will happen.

In many cases, this idiom is used to bad events, such as a death in family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.

There are two major theories as the etymology.

One is derived from the fact that in Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and they affected emotions and consciousness.

The other one is derived from the fact that in Taoism of China, it is thought that three insects are live in human bodies since humans were born, and these insects inform God of humans' guilts while humans are sleeping.







Corrections (3)

No. 1 Hekset
  • In many cases, this idiom is used to bad events, such as a death in family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.
  • In many cases, this idiom is used foreshadow to bad events, such as a death in family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.

    Foreshadow is a good word here, it means a warning or indication of (a future event).

  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Taoism of China, it is thought that three insects are live in human bodies since humans were born, and these insects inform God of humans' guilts while humans are sleeping.
  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Chinese Taoism, it is thought that three insects are live reside in human bodies since humans were born from birth, and these insects inform God of humans' guilts our sins while humans we are sleeping.

It was hard to find any issues, good job! All I would suggest is to shorten your sentences to be a bit more simple.

Thank you so much for the corrections!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)
No. 2 IrishAlex
  • Mushi no Shirase (Word of Insects)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the idiom "mushi no shirase", the literal meaning of which is "word of insects".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Mushi no shirase" means to feel that something will happen.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In many cases, this idiom is used to bad events, such as a death in family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.
  • In many cases, this idiom is used in anticipation of bad events, such as a death among family members or friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.
  • There are two major theories as the etymology.
  • There are two main theories regarding its the etymology.
  • One is derived from the fact that in Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and they affected emotions and consciousness.
  • One is derived from the fact that in Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and affected emotions and consciousness.
  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Taoism of China, it is thought that three insects are live in human bodies since humans were born, and these insects inform God of humans' guilts while humans are sleeping.
  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Chinese Taoism, it is thought that three insects live in each human body, and these insects inform God of our guilt whilst sleeping.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post! (^^)
No problem! I really enjoyed reading this, Mushi no Shirase reminded me of Spiderman's spider sense super power. Haha.
No. 3 南蛮人
  • Mushi no Shirase (Word of Insects)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the idiom "mushi no shirase", the literal meaning of which is "word of insects".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Mushi no shirase" means to feel that something will happen.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In many cases, this idiom is used to bad events, such as a death in family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.
  • In many cases, this idiom is used to refer to bad events, such as a death in of family/friends, a traffic accident or a disaster.
  • There are two major theories as the etymology.
  • There are two major theories as for the etymology.
  • One is derived from the fact that in Edo period, people thought that insects lived in human bodies and they affected emotions and consciousness.
  • One is derived from the fact that in Edo period, people thought that insects lived inside human bodies and that they affected emotions and consciousness.
  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Taoism of China, it is thought that three insects are live in human bodies since humans were born, and these insects inform God of humans' guilts while humans are sleeping.
  • The other one is derived from the fact that in Chinese Taoism of China, it is thought that three insects are live in human bodies since humans were born birth, and that these insects inform God of humans' guilts sins while humans they are sleeping.

I swear your entries are some of the most interesting things I read in lang-8!

Although insects don't live inside humans we do have a huge number of gut bacteria and they do impact on our mood and personality tremendously.

Thank you very much for the corrections and your comment!
I'm so glad to hear you say that :)
Indeed we live with bacteria and they have influence.
