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【No. 0693】Abura wo Uru (Sell Oil)

Nov 10, 2016 20:14
Today, I will talk about the Japanese idiom "abura wo uru."

The literal meaning of "abura wo uru" is "to sell oil," and it expresses that someone neglects on his/her work temporarily or has an idle talk.

In the Edo period in Japan, oil sellers chatted with customers for a long time when they sold oil.

Oil has high viscosity, and it took a long time to transfer the oil to customer's container, so oil sellers spent the time talking.

From this fact, to neglect work or to have an idle talk came to be referred to as "abura wo uru."






Corrections (1)

No. 1 Timmy
  • The literal meaning of "abura wo uru" is "to sell oil," and it expresses that someone neglects on his/her work temporarily or has an idle talk.
  • The literal meaning of "abura wo uru" is "to sell oil," and it expresses that (or: it is used when) someone neglects his/her work or has an idle talk.
  • Oil has high viscosity, and it took a long time to transfer the oil to customer's container, so oil sellers spent the time talking.
  • (Olive, vegetable) Oil has high viscosity, and it took a long time to transfer the oil to customer's container, so oil sellers spent the time talking.

Interesting. I knew the phrase but not much more than that^_^

Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
You're welcome!^_^
