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【No. 0455】Apartments and Mansions

Mar 17, 2016 17:39
There are many loanwords in Japan, and today I will talk about two of them: "アパート (apartment)" and "マンション (mansion)."

The meaning of "アパート" is the same as "apartment," but the meaning of "マンション" is different from "mansion."

In Japan, we call relatively large/luxury apartments "マンション."

Actually, I will live in マンション from next month, but it has only one narrow room.

You will never think of my living space as a mansion.

By the way, since "man" of "mansion" means ten thousand in Japan, we sometimes call really luxury apartments "億ション(oku-sion, oku means '100 million' in Japan).






Corrections (2)

No. 1 Kimira
  • Apartments and Mansions
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There are many loanwords in Japan, and today I will talk about two of them: "アパート (apartment)" and "マンション (mansion)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The meaning of "アパート" is the same as "apartment," but the meaning of "マンション" is different from "mansion."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, we call relatively large/luxury apartments "マンション."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Actually, I will live in マンション from next month, but it has only one narrow room.
  • Actually, I will live in a マンション from next month, but it has only has one narrow room.
  • You will never think of my living space as a mansion.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By the way, since "man" of "mansion" means ten thousand in Japan, we sometimes call really luxury apartments "億ション(oku-sion, 'oku' means '100 million' in Japan).
  • By the way, since the "man" asof in "mansion" means ten thousand in Japanese, we sometimes call really luxury apartments "億ション(oku-sion, since 'oku' means '100 million' in Japanese).

I really enjoyed this entry! Especially the part about how "億ション" came about.

Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I'm glad you enjoyed my post (^^)
No. 2 aymayyy
  • The meaning of "アパート" is the same as "apartment," but the meaning of "マンション" is different from "mansion."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japan, we call relatively large/luxury apartments "マンション."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Actually, I will live in マンション from next month, but it has only one narrow room.
  • Actually, I will live in a マンション from starting next month, but it has only one narrow room.
  • You will never think of my living space as a mansion.
  • You would never think of my living space as a mansion.
  • By the way, since "man" of "mansion" means ten thousand in Japan, we sometimes call really luxury apartments "億ション(oku-sion, 'oku' means '100 million' in Japan).
  • By the way, since the "man" in "mansion" means ten thousand in Japan, we sometimes call really luxurious apartments "億ション(oku-sion, 'oku' means '100 million' in Japan).

I didn't know that! That's very interesting.

Thank you so much for your corrections!
I'm happy to hear you say that :)
