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【No. 0394】Body Fat Percentage of Pigs

Jan 16, 2016 12:50
Obese people are sometimes referred as "豚(buta, which means pig)" in Japan.

(I have no idea whether such a figurative expression is used as well overseas.)

However, the body fat percentage of the pig is actually about 13% to 18%.

That is, it is lower than the body fat percentage of the average human.

Also, some people seem to use "豚(pig)" as the meaning of "dirty" or "idiot."

However, pigs are a cleanly animal, because they distinguish clearly a toilet, a bedding, and a place to eat.

Furthermore, since they can recognize themselves when they watch a mirror, it's able to be said that they have high cognitive abilities.

The expression "pig" might be a compliment.









Corrections (2)

No. 1 kusaimamekirai
  • (I have no idea whether such a figurative expression is used as well overseas.)
  • (I have no idea whether such a figurative expression is used overseas as well.)
  • Also, some people seem to use "豚(pig)" as the meaning of "dirty" or "idiot."
  • Also, some people seem to use "豚(pig)" to mean "dirty" or "idiot."
  • However, pigs are a cleanly animal, because they distinguish clearly a toilet, a bedding, and a place to eat.
  • However, pigs are a clean animal, because they distinguish clearly between a toilet, bedding, and a place to eat.
  • Furthermore, since they can recognize themselves when they watch a mirror, it's able to be said that they have high cognitive abilities.
  • Furthermore, since they can recognize themselves when they look in a mirror, it's said that they have high cognitive abilities.

Pigs are very interesting animals. Recently they have become a very popular pet in America because they are smart, clean, and cute

Thank you very much for correcting my post!
Sounds interesting. In the near future, mini/micro pigs might become a popular pet in Japan as well.
No. 2 Timmy
  • Also, some people seem to use "豚(pig)" as the meaning of "dirty" or "idiot."
  • Also, some people seem to use (the word) "豚(pig)" when describing someone who is "dirty" or "idiotic".

    it is also used as a synonym for "greedy"

Interesting! I've heard that pig's intestines are similar to those of human beings, and can be easily transplanted without risk of side effects.

Thank you very much always for correcting my post! :)
And thank you foe letting me know the interesting information. By the way, my boss has used and analyzed pig's femur instead of human's one on his research.
You're welcome!^_^

>And thank you foe letting me know the interesting information.

It's nothing.^_^

>By the way, my boss has used and analyzed pig's femur instead of human's one on his >research.

I see. It seems that humans and pigs are genetically close to each other.
