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【No. 0285】Chronostasis

Sep 29, 2015 13:26
Have you ever felt a second hand of a clock seems to have stopped more than one second when you suddenly see the clock?

This phenomenon is called 'chronostasis.'

When your eyes move rapidly (called saccade), your sense of time will be slightly extended, so the false sense that the second hand has stopped will occur.

The reason is thought that your brain try to fill the gap of viewpoints.

Chronostasis is caused by not only visual, but also auditory stimuli.






Corrections (1)

No. 1 シャル❇️
  • When your eyes move rapidly (called saccade), your sense of time will be slightly extended, so the false sense that the second hand has stopped will occur.
  • When your eyes move rapidly (called saccade), your sense of time will be slightly extended, so the false sense that the second hand has stopped, will occur.
  • The reason is thought that your brain try to fill the gap of viewpoints.
  • The reason is thought (to be) that your brain tries to fill the gap of viewpoints.

Interesting post !
クロノスタシスは経験したけど、それは眼球の高速運動のためだったとは始めて知った。時計が故障してしまったかなと(笑)でも、一秒以上止まるより、針が一秒くだした(moves back)のは、私の場合多かったけど。

Thank you very much for correcting my post! :D
