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【No. 0246】The Meaning of SOS

Aug 21, 2015 12:17
SOS is the distress signal, and the message for help, which is used all over the world.

In the Morse code, SOS is composed of three short, three long, and three short signals, that are very easy to input and remember.

At the beginning of the introduction of the Morse code, CQD (call to quarters, distress) was used as the distress signal.

However, in 1906, the new signal SOE, which was proposed by Germany, had been adopted as the universal distress signal due to the intelligibility.

Furthermore, E is one short signal, and it was tended to fail to hear, so SOE became SOS.

It is sometimes referred to as the abbreviation of "save our souls" or "save our ship," however, actually these letters have no meaning.

The etymology is just because it's easy to input and recognize SOS.


無線信号が実用化された頃は、遭難信号としてCQD(call to quarters, distress)が使われていました。



SOSは「save our souls, save our ship」の略と言われることもありますが、実際にはモールス信号で打ちやすく聞き取りやすいというだけで、文字に意味はありません。

Corrections (1)

No. 1 amerine905
  • The Meaning of SOS
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • SOS is the distress signal, and the message for help, which is used all over the world.
  • SOS is a distress signal and a message for help which is used all over the world.
  • In the Morse code, SOS is composed of three short, three long, and three short signals, that are very easy to input and remember.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • At the beginning of the introduction of the Morse code, CQD (call to quarters, distress) was used as the distress signal.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, in 1906, the new signal SOE, which was proposed by Germany, had been adopted as the universal distress signal due to the intelligibility.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Furthermore, 'E' is one short signal, and it was tended to fail to hear, so SOE became SOS.
  • Furthermore, 'E' is one short signal, and it was tended to not be heard, so SOE was replaced by SOS.

    Or "Furthermore, 'E' is one short signal, so it was often not heard, so SOE was replaced by SOS."

  • It is sometimes referred to as the abbreviation of "save our souls" or "save our ship," however, actually these letters have no meaning.
  • It is sometimes referred to as the abbreviation of "save our souls" or "save our ship," however, actually these letters actually have no meaning.
  • The etymology is just because it's easy to input and recognize SOS.
  • The etymology is like this just because it's easy to input and recognize SOS.

Your English is very good for you to be able to compose an entry like this. I mostly just gave you suggestions, and it already sounds very natural. Good job! Keep it up! :)

Thank you very much for correcting my post! :D
I'm happy about your words. I will keep trying my best. :)
You're welcome! :)
