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【No. 0218】The Meaning of "まめ"

Jul 24, 2015 14:28
Today, I'd like to introduce a Japanese word "まめ."

If this word was written in kanji, such as "豆," it would mean "bean."

However, we sometimes use it as a prefix, and then the meaning is "small."

For example, we use it like "豆知識(まめちしき:bits of knowledge)," "豆電球(まめでんきゅう:fairy lights)," "豆鉄砲(まめでっぽう:popgun)."

"まめ" has also the adjective meaning of "dedicated" or "organized."

If "まめ" was used as an adjective meaning, it would include various good meanings.

If we say "あなたはまめな人だね(you're an dedicated person)," this will mean praise, but don't say "あなたはまめのような人だね(You're a person like bean)."

"あなたはまめのような人だね" means something like "you're a small person" or "you're an intolerant person."

Incidentally, "まめ" also means "blister" and "foot corn."

Corrections (1)

No. 1 Panther
  • If this word was written in kanji, such as "豆," it would mean "bean."
  • If this word was written as "豆" in kanji, it would mean "bean."
  • However, we sometimes use it as a prefix, and then the meaning is "small."
  • However, we sometimes use it as a prefix, and then the meaning becomes "small."
  • For example, we use it like "豆知識(まめちしき:bits of knowledge)," "豆電球(まめでんきゅう:fairy lights)," "豆鉄砲(まめでっぽう:popgun)."
  • For example: we use it like "豆知識(まめちしき:bits of knowledge)," "豆電球(まめでんきゅう:fairy lights)," "豆鉄砲(まめでっぽう:popgun)."

    It sounded strange with "we use it like".

  • "まめ" has also the adjective meaning of "dedicated" or "organized."
  • "まめ" can also take on meaning of "dedicated" or "organized" when used as an adjective.
  • If "まめ" was used as an adjective meaning, it would include various good meanings.
  • However, when "まめ" is used as an adjective meaning, its meaning may change depending on the context.
  • If we say "あなたはまめな人だね(you're an dedicated person)," this will mean praise, but don't say "あなたはまめのような人だね(You're a person like bean)."
  • For example:If we say "あなたはまめな人だね(you're an dedicated person)," it would be a praise, But be careful not to say "あなたはまめのような人だね(You're a person like bean)."
  • "あなたはまめのような人だね" means something like "you're a small person" or "you're an intolerant person."
  • Because "あなたはまめのような人だね" means something like "you're a small person" or "you're an intolerant person!"

    BTW, that's a good one!

  • Incidentally, "まめ" also means "blister" and "foot corn."
  • In addition, "まめ" can also mean "blister" and "foot corn."


Looking forward to future posts similar to this one!

Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I'm glad you told me that. :)
