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【No. 0192】Japanese Young Girls' Enigmatic Text

Jun 28, 2015 18:49
In Japan, young girls tend to use enigmatic texts like actual ciphers by combining various symbols or kanji. Today, I'd like to introduce some of them. If you are interested in Japanese culture of youth, try to decipher.

Level 1 :
● ⊃冫二千ハ
● 、ζ,⊃ぅ
● 才ャス彡
● 才 力 工 └|
● ぁξぼ

Level 2 :
● こωL=ちレ£
● ょЗU<ね
● ナょぁl=?
● 八ジ〆まU〒
● レヽレヽち〃ゃω

Level 3 :
● ぅ±〃レヽ
● レ†’’w(キ
● ⊇〃めωナょ±ぁレゝ
● |ナL丶ナニレ丶

For unexplained reason, they are always try to express using another characters. The answers are shown in the following:

Level 1 : 「こんにちは」「ふつう」「オヤスミ」「オカエリ」「あそぼ」
Level 2 : 「こんにちは」「よろしくね」「なあに?」「ハジメましテ」「いいぢゃん(いいじゃん)」
Level 3 : 「うざい」「げんき」「ごめんなさあい」「けいたい」

Corrections (2)

No. 1 Mike
  • In Japan, young girls tend to use enigmatic texts like actual ciphers by combining various symbols or kanji.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you are interested in Japanese culture of youth, try to decipher.
  • If you are interested in Japanese culture of youth, try to decipher them.

Level 4: コギャル語を化かしたやつかな^^:;

Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
Haha, 確かにコギャル語は難解ですね。私は全然解りません。
No. 2 Beelzebubbles
  • In Japan, young girls tend to use enigmatic texts like actual ciphers by combining various symbols or kanji.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I'd like to introduce some of them.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you are interested in Japanese culture of youth, try to decipher.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For unexplained reason, they are always try to express using another characters.
  • For unexplained reasons, they are always trying to express using different characters.
  • The answers are shown in the following:
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!

I think I understand the logic after I see the answers, but I could never work this out myself!

Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
> I could never work this out myself!
Me too, haha.
