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【No. 0049】An Uncommon Culture of a Specific Area of Kyoto

Feb 5, 2015 23:48
 Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon culture of Kyoto which is the famous city in Japan. I have some friend in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them. Note that this culture go for a specific area of Kyoto.

 In that area, people never criticize and make a derogatory remark on the surface. Also, people don't praise others very much. Their wording is really beautiful and elegant. However, they need to understand the implication of their words each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area. Especially, we have to be careful when they praised others too much or they look like so kindly.

 For example, if they say "You're good at playing the piano. I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home," or "You have so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy. Please be quiet." Also, if they say "May I order some meal for lunch?," it means "I want you to go back to your home soon." Of course, it's not necessarily that this rule is true. Hmm, it's a complex culture.

Corrections (5)

No. 1 Susan
  • Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon culture of Kyoto which is the famous city in Japan.
  • Today, I'd like to introduce an unusual custom uncommon culture of Kyoto which is the a famous city in Japan.
  • I have some friend in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them.
  • I have some friends in Kyoto, and this is a culture custom that I heard from them.
  • Note that this culture go for a specific area of Kyoto.
  • Note that this custom is culture go for a specific region of Japan, area of Kyoto.
  • In that area, people never criticize and make a derogatory remark on the surface.
  • In this that area, people never criticize and or make a derogatory remark on the surface.
  • Also, people don't praise others very much.
  • Also, people don't praise others very much.
  • However, they need to understand the implication of their words each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area.
  • However, they need to understand the implication of their words to each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area to understand the underlying meaning of the words.
  • Especially, we have to be careful when they praised others too much or they look like so kindly.
  • Especially, we have to be careful when they praised others too much, or the words seem too kind. they look like so kindly.
  • I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home," or "You have so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy.
  • I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home." Or, if you hear, "You have such energetic so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy.
  • Please be quiet." Also, if they say "May I order some meal for lunch?," it means "I want you to go back to your home soon." Of course, it's not necessarily that this rule is true.
  • Please be quiet." Also, if they say "May I order you something some meal for lunch?," it means "I want you to go back to your home soon." Of course, it's this rule is not always necessarily that this rule is true.
Thank you so much for your kind correction! :)
No. 2 cat_hawk
  • An Uncommon Culture of a Specific Area of Kyoto
  • An Uncommon Cultural Aspect of a Specific Area of Kyoto

    Since it's a part of the culture and not the whole culture itself, i made it more specific.

  • Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon culture of Kyoto which is the famous city in Japan.
  • Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon cultural aspect of Kyoto, which is a famous city in Japan.
  • I have some friend in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them.
  • I have some friends inabout Kyoto, and this is a behavior that I have heard about from them.
  • Note that this culture go for a specific area of Kyoto.
  • Note that this is only for a specific area of Kyoto.

    Like in Japanese, we can sometimes omit the topic if it is understood. "This" means "the behavior".

  • In that area, people never criticize and make a derogatory remark on the surface.
  • In that area, people never criticize and make a derogatory remarks openly.

    "On the surface" is usually used for personality (ie- On the surface, she seems nice (but she is actually mean.))

  • Also, people don't praise others very much.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Their wording is really beautiful and elegant.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, they need to understand the implication of their words each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area.
  • However, they need to understand the implications of their words to each other, which is difficult for people who live in other area.
  • Especially, we have to be careful when they praised others too much or they look like so kindly.
  • We have to be especially careful when they praised others too much or they act so kindly.
  • For example, if they say "You're good at playing the piano.
  • For example, if they say "you're good at playing the piano.
  • I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home," or "You have so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy.
  • I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home," or "you have such energetic children", the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy.
  • Please be quiet." Also, if they say "May I order some meal for lunch?," it means "I want you to go back to your home soon." Of course, it's not necessarily that this rule is true.
  • Please be quiet." Also, if they say "may I order something for lunch?" it means "I want you to go back to your home soon." Of course, it's not necessarily that this rule isn't always true.
  • Hmm, it's a complex culture.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!


What a confusing rule! In America, we call that behavior "passive aggressive". You're English is great! For how long have you been studying? Thanks for writing this entry!

Thank you very much for correcting me!
Your comment is really encouraging for me.^^

I had been studying English for around 6 years in my junior and high school. And recently, I started studying English again. :D
No. 3 NathanielK
  • Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon culture of Kyoto which is the famous city in Japan.
  • Today, I'd like to introduce an uncommon culture of Kyoto, which is the famous city in Japan.
  • I have some friend in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them.
  • I have some friends in Kyoto, and these are facts that I heard from them.
  • Note that this culture go for a specific area of Kyoto.
  • Note that this culture is for a specific area of Kyoto.
  • In that area, people never criticize and make a derogatory remark on the surface.
  • In this area, people never criticize and make derogatory remarks on the surface.
  • Also, people don't praise others very much.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Their wording is really beautiful and elegant.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, they need to understand the implication of their words each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area.
  • However, they need to understand the implication of their words towards each other, and it's difficult for people who live in another area
  • Especially, we have to be careful when they praised others too much or they look like so kindly.
  • One has to be careful when they praise others too much or they look on too kindly.
  • For example, if they say "You're good at playing the piano.
  • For example, when they say "You're good at playing the piano.
  • I can sometimes hear your good playing at my home," or "You have so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "It's so noisy.
  • I can sometimes hear you playing well from my home," or "You have so vigorous children," the true meaning of it is something like "They are too noisy."
Thank you so much for correcting me! ^^
No. 4 leon.t.whyte
  • I have some friend in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them.
  • I have some friend who live in Kyoto, and this is a culture that I heard from them who told me about this custom.
  • Also, people don't praise others very much.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Their wording is really beautiful and elegant.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Hmm, it's a complex culture.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you very much for your correction! :)
No. 5 
  • Their wording is really beautiful and elegant.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Hmm, it's a complex culture.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
