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【No. 0012】Today, I read a bool titled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no k...

Dec 30, 2014 23:55
Today, I read a bool titled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Gupta)".

In this book, Indian named Gupta living in the world of TOEIC test realize various things gradually.

I had took TOEIC tests several times, so when I read the book, I thought "It could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.

For example, in the world of TOEIC, there are many laws as following;

1. A Flight will always delayed definitely.

2. A Photocopier will be broken or paper will run out always.

3. A reservation of dentist will be made change always.

4. Indian names of the world are Gupta or Singh always.

Besides, the other various laws are exist in this world.

I realized the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.

Since now I know these laws, I think taking a TOEIC test become a little fun.




1. 飛行機は必ず遅れます。

2. コピー機は必ず故障するか、紙が無くなります。

3. 歯医者の予約は、必ず変更させられます。

4. インド人の名前はグプタかシンです。




Corrections (4)

No. 1 
  • In this book, Indian named Gupta living in the world of TOEIC test realize various things gradually.
  • In this book, an Indian named Gupta living in the world of TOEIC test gradually came to realize various things.
  • I had took TOEIC tests several times, so when I read the book, I thought "It could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.
  • I have taken TOEIC tests several times, so when I read the book, I thought "It could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.
  • A Flight will always delayed definitely.
  • Flights will definitely be delayed.
  • A Photocopier will be broken or paper will run out always.
  • A Photocopier will either breakdown, or run out of paper.
  • A reservation of dentist will be made change always.
  • A dentist appointment will always be rescheduled.
  • Besides, the other various laws are exist in this world.
  • Besides these, there are various laws in this world.
  • Since now I know these laws, I think taking a TOEIC test become a little fun.
  • Now I know these laws, I think taking a TOEIC test will be a little more fun/enjoyable.
Thank you for your correction!! I learned a lot!(^-^)
No. 2 Timmy
  • I realized the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.
  • I realized that he world of TOEIC test has a strange certainty to it.
Thank you for your correction and reading my entry!! XD
You are welcome!
No. 3 minnieme
  • Today, I read a bool titled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Gupta)".
  • Today, I read a book titled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Gupta)".
  • I realized the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.
  • I realized that the world of TOEIC is certainly quite strange/the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.

    I think this is what you mean but I could be wrong :) I thought you meant it was 'certainly quite strange' :)

  • I realized that the world of TOEIC is certainly quite strange/the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.

    I think this is what you mean but I could be wrong :) I thought you meant it was 'certainly quite strange' :)

Thank you so much for your correction!! (^-^)

However, It's a bit difficult for me to understand the difference between "certainly quite strange" and "strange certainly"(Is the important thing the position of "certainly"?).
I think maybe you're right;
I wanted to say "the world is certainly the wonderland (just as this book's title) ".
No. 4 gakuseiforever
  • Today, I read a bool titled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Gupta)".
  • Today, I read a bool book entitled "Gupta in Wonderland (Fushigi no kuni no Gupta)".
  • In this book, Indian named Gupta living in the world of TOEIC test realize various things gradually.
  • In this book, an Indian named Gupta, living in the world of TOEIC test, realize various things gradually.
  • I had took TOEIC tests several times, so when I read the book, I thought "It could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.
  • I had took taken the TOEIC tests several times,. So when I read the book, I thought, " that it could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.

    I'm not really sure what "it could happen" mean.

  • For example, in the world of TOEIC, there are many laws as following;
  • For example, in the world of TOEIC there are many laws in the world of TOEIC such as following;
  • Indian names of the world are Gupta or Singh always.
  • The two common Indian names of in the world are Gupta or Singh always.
  • I realized the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly.
  • I realized the world of TOEIC test is strange certainly quite strange.
  • Since now I know these laws, I think taking a TOEIC test become a little fun.
  • Since Now that I know these laws, I think taking a TOEIC test become will be a little more enjoyable fun.
  • I had took taken the TOEIC tests several times,. So when I read the book, I thought, " that it could happen!!" frequently and I enjoyed it.

    I'm not really sure what "it could happen" mean.

Thank you very much for your correction!! (^-^)

I wanted to say "It happens all the time in the TOEIC world" or "It's common occurrence in the TOEIC world" when I read the laws of the TOEIC world written in the book.
I wonder if I can convey my thoughts to you.
I'll try to improve my English!
