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【No. 0003】Self-introduction updates.

Dec 21, 2014 21:41
Self-introduction updates.

Hi, I'm a doctoral student studying at an university in Japan.
I'm studying X-ray CT, math, and programming.

[ Hobby ]
My hobbies are watching American drama or Japanese anime, solving math or programming problems and riding a road bike.

I've watched a lot of American drama, for example, Dr.House, Numbers, Ugly Betty, Breaking Bad, Person of Interest, Suits, Lie to me, and so on (sometimes UK dramas like SHERLOCK are included).
If there is a drama that you have recommended, I want you to tell me.
But now, I can't understand these dramas without Japanese subtitles.
In the future, I want to be able to understand these dramas with English subtitles, furthermore, without subtitles.

Also, I sometimes participate in the programming contest.
But almost all of these contests are held in English like TopCoder.
Therefore, in order to increase rating of the programming contests, I have to learn not only programming language but also English.

[ Activities ]
I established software development venture company when I was a junior student.
As a president/CEO, I conduct company management, sales and marketing, software development, employee training between my study.

[ Dream ]
My dream is to study in an US university and to become a professor of an university.







Corrections (2)

No. 1 Timmy
  • If there is a drama that you have recommended, I want you to tell me.
  • If there is a drama that you can recommend, I want you to tell me.

    To tell you the truth I don't watch many tv series, but there is a couple I think I can recommend.
    First one is "The Big Bang Theory" and the second one is "Two and a half men". Both are comedies, and the English used in this movies is relatively easy.

Thank you for your correction and letting me know the drama!
Actually, I've watched "The Big Bang Theory" and it was very funny.
I'll try to watch the drama again without Japanese subtitles!!

And the "Two and a half men", I never knew this drama until today.
So, I searched this drama on the internet, and I felt an atmosphere similar to Full House or FRIENDS. Because it's looks very interesting, I will watch "Two and a half men" nearly future! Thank you!! (^-^)
>Thank you for your correction and letting me know the drama!

You are welcome!

>And the "Two and a half men", I never knew this drama until today.So, I searched this drama on the internet, and I felt an atmosphere similar to Full House or FRIENDS. Because it's looks very interesting, I will watch "Two and a half men" nearly future!

If you enjoyed TBBT or Friends, you should definitely try watching "Two and a half men".

>Thank you!! (^-^)

It's nothing^^
No. 2 Yansen
  • Self-introduction updates.
  • Self-Introduction Updates.

    If this is a title, then the first word, the last word, and all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, subordinating conjunctions, and a few conjunctions should be capitalized. :)

  • Hi, I'm a doctoral student studying at an university in Japan.
  • Hi, I'm a doctoral student studying at a university in Japan.

    There are 5 special letters in English a, e, i, o, u called vowels. All of the other letters are called consonants.

    When we use the indefinite article a/an, we must look at the word following it. If the word starts with a vowel sound, then we must use "an". If the word starts with a consonant sound, then we must use "a".

    For example:
    "An apple". The word "apple" starts with an "a" sound, which is a vowel sound, so we must use "an".
    "An hour". The word "hour" is pronounced "A-WWER" and starts with an "a" sound, which is a vowel sound, so we must use "an".
    "A laptop". The word "laptop" starts with an "L" sound, which is a consonant sound, so we must use "a".
    "A user". The word "user" is pronounce "YOOH-ZER" and starts with a "y" sound, which is a consonant sound, so we must use "a".

    I hope that this is clear to you. :)

  • I'm studying X-ray CT, math, and programming.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • [ Hobby ]
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • My hobbies are watching American drama or Japanese anime, solving math or programming problems and riding a road bike.
  • My hobbies are watching American dramas and Japanese anime, solving math and programming problems and riding my road bike.

    "Drama" has countable and uncountable versions of the word, and the way you are using it calls for us to use the countable version. I also assume that you watch more than 1 drama, so we must use the plural version of the word here. The reason why "anime" does not have an "s" at the end is because it is an uncountable noun. Fun fact! Most Japanese words are uncountable like manga, sushi, ramen, and Pokemon.

    We should use "and" here instead of "or" because you watch both American dramas and Japanese anime not one or the other. The same goes for the math and programming problems.

    For the last correction here, I used "my" instead of "a" because it is more natural. Whenever you go biking, I am sure that you always use your own bike, so you say "my bike". :)

  • I've watched a lot of American drama, for example, Dr.
  • I've watched a lot of American dramas, for example, Dr.
  • House, Numbers, Ugly Betty, Breaking Bad, Person of Interest, Suits, Lie to me, and so on (sometimes UK dramas like SHERLOCK are included).
  • House, Numbers, Ugly Betty, Breaking Bad, Person of Interest, Suits, Lie to me, and so on (sometimes UK dramas like SHERLOCK are included).

    Wow! You used the plural version of "dramas" here correctly, but you forgot it before. :)

  • If there is a drama that you have recommended, I want you to tell me.
  • If there is a drama that you can recommended, I want you to tell me.

    We must use "recommend" instead of "recommended" here because we are talking about the present-tense and not the past-tense. :)

  • But now, I can't understand these dramas without Japanese subtitles.
  • But for now, I can't understand these dramas without Japanese subtitles.

    When we use "but now", we are giving off the impression that something was in some state before, but things have changed and now they are different. However when we use "but for now", it gives off the impression that something is in some state right now, but it will change later.
    I believe you want to use "but for now", because you will get better at English and one day be able to watch without subtitles! :)

  • In the future, I want to be able to understand these dramas with English subtitles, furthermore, without subtitles.
  • In the future, I want to be able to understand these dramas with English subtitles, and furthermore, without subtitles.

    I think that this is more natural. :)

  • Also, I sometimes participate in the programming contest.
  • Also, I sometimes participate in the programming contests, but almost all of these contests are held in English like TopCoder.

    "The" is used to refer to a specific thing or a group of things, For example, I can say "I have just watched the most popular movie of the year".There are many movies, but there is only one that is the most popular. "The" can also be used to refer to old information previously mentioned in a subject, "the Christmas party was early".

    However, we do not need to use "the", because we are talking about many programming contests, not a specific one. We have also never mentioned programming contests before in this piece of writing.

    I have combined this sentence with the next sentence because the sentence still makes sense when combined, and it will make the writing flow better, when our sentences are not short all of the time.

    I hope that this is clear to you. :)

  • But almost all of these contests are held in English like TopCoder.
  • But almost all of these contests are held in English like TopCoder.
  • Therefore, in order to increase rating of the programming contests, I have to learn not only programming language but also English.
  • Therefore, in order to increase the ratings of my solutions for the programming contests, I have to learn not only programming languages but also English.

    Nice! You used "the programming contests" here and it is correct, because we have already introduced them before in our writing, and now we talk about the specific programming contests that we have mentioned before using "the". :)

  • I established software development venture company when I was a junior student.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As a president/CEO, I conduct company management, sales and marketing, software development, employee training between my study.
  • As a president/CEO, I conduct company management, sales and marketing, software development, and employee training between my study.

    Don't forget your "and" before the last item in a list. :)

  • My dream is to study in an US university and to become a professor of an university.
  • My dream is to study in an US university and to become a professor of an university.

    Remember what I wrote above? The pronunciation of "U.S." is "YOOH-ESS", which starts with a consonant "y" sound, so we must use "a" instead of "an". The same goes for "university", which is pronounced "YOOH-NEE-VER-SE-TEE", which starts with a consonant "y" sound. :)

Great work! I am studying programming too, at University of Toronto St. George campus in Toronto! Maybe you can teach me stuff. :)

Thank you so much for your kind and polite correction!!! (*´▽`*)
It's really informative!

> Most Japanese words are uncountable like manga, sushi, ramen, and Pokemon.
There is no definite article, indefinite article and plural form in Japanese, so maybe we're not good at using them. (T_T)

An hour, an heir, an honest man, an herb (a herb), an SSO, and an X-ray CT...I'll keep an eye on my sentences!

I'm happy to hear you're studying programming!
I can speak C and Java fluently than English, so maybe I can teach you. lol
I am starting to learn Java now! I just finished year 1 computer science at U of T where we used Python. (*´▽`*)
If you have a problem related to Java, please ask me anything!(^O^)

And actually, a Canadian teacher of our university loves Python and I began to learn Python from last year by his influence.
Python is little bit slow compared with another language, but I came to like it because its code is really simple and smart, and there is a statistical analysis module!! 便利で楽ちん\(^o^)/
Please add me on Skype (shisehise) or facebook ( then if you can. :) It's winter break and I'm going to start learning Java very very soon. :)
