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【No. 0422】The Number of Convenience Stores, Temple and Shrine

Feb 13, 2016 15:06
There are about 55 thousands convenience stores in Japan.

This means that there is a convenience store for every 2,300 people.

On the other hand, there are about 77 thousands temples and about 81 thousands shrines in Japan.

I thought there are a lot of convenience stores in many places, but I was surprised that there are more temples and shrines.

Somehow there has been an increase in the number of temples and shrines.

When you go to Japan for sightseeing, I recommend you to visit traditional and historic temples and shrines.

By the way, there are about 69 thousands dental clinics in Japan.

The number is also more than the number of convenience stores.

【No. 0421】Colors That Represent Obscene Things

Feb 12, 2016 22:17
(I'm sorry, today's topic is a little bit ribald.)

Today, I learned that colors that represent obscene things differ among countries.

Here in Japan, obscene movies for adults are called "pink movies."

It is said that the reason is because pink represents human's skin.

On the other hand, it seems to be called "blue films" in English.

As one of the reasons, there is a fact that obscene films had been colored using blue.

Also, the color seems to be yellow in China, green in Spain, and red in Italy.

【No. 0420】Preview of My New Apartment

Feb 11, 2016 18:51
Today was the National Foundation Day.

Therefore, I went to Tokyo, and saw an apartment that I will live in from April.

Although I slightly bothered train noises from railway tracks, I decided the apartment because other conditions were totally good.

After that, I went shopping while doing sightseeing.

I bought items too much before I know it.

I have hardly any money now.

【No. 0419】The Result of TOEIC SW

Feb 10, 2016 11:30
Today, I received the result of TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test.

Although the speaking score was not changed compared to the result of two years ago, the writing score was increased considerably.

According to the conversion chart, my TOEIC SW score corresponds to about 920 on TOEIC score, but I can't reach such a score at all now, haha.

However, due to this writing result, written tests of some qualifications such as the Licensed Guide Interpreters are able to be exempted.

I will write the same thing as yesterday, but there's no doubt that thanks to everyone on Lang-8, I've improved my English.

It's a pleasure if we can benefit each other in the future too.

【No. 0418】Correcting Japanese Students

Feb 9, 2016 14:49
Recently, I often correct graduation theses of students in my laboratory.

Since they are Japanese sentences that were written by Japanese, surely there are not many grammatical errors.

However, there are some basic errors related to tenses and conjunctions.

When I notice such a little mistakes, I recall my experience of Lang-8.

I think I've been more sensitive to a little mistake because I've continued to correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8.

I am grateful to everyone.

【No. 0417】Stop Signs in Japan

Feb 8, 2016 11:24
According to the international standards, a stop sign has an octagon shape, but it has an inverted triangle shape in Japan.

Originally, Japan had used an octagon shape for the stop sign following the US, but in 1963, we changed it into an inverted triangle that had been used in Germany, because the shape had a high visibility.

However, in 1968, since an octagon shape was decided as the international standards, Germany changed stop signs into octagon shapes.

Finally, only Japan has been left behind.

Also, recently the Japanese government seems to consider changing the stop sign into the octagon shape in concert with the Tokyo Olympic in 2020.

Since the number of stop signs on Japanese roads is about 1.7 billion, it will cost 22.5 billion yen (192 million dollars) to replace all of them.

※Sorry, the number 22.5 billion was wrong, and the correct number is 25.5 billion (217 million dollars).

【No. 0416】Thank You Hazard

Feb 7, 2016 11:08
Today, I will talk about "thank you hazard," which is often used on Japanese roads.

The "thank you hazard" is to turn on the hazard lights for a short time to convey a feeling of "thank you" when drivers make way for other drivers.

If it is still light and the drivers can see the faces each other, they also raise the hand, or bow the head to convey thankfulness.

However, after it gets dark, the "thank you hazard" is mainly used.

When I see the "thank you hazard," I become a little happy.

Some people sound the horn to convey thankfulness, but this is actually illegal, and I want them to stop because it could stun me.

By the way, it is said that this custom was born in Germany by track drivers, and it was introduced into Japan, then became widely used.

【No. 0415】Build a New Computer

Feb 6, 2016 16:44
A few days ago, computers of my colleagues came to act up.

Since the cause seemed to be the motherboard, it was difficult to repair it.

So today, I purchased some computer components, and built new ones for them.

I challenged to use the Mini-ITX standard for the first time, but I had trouble wiring the cords because of the smallness.

Finally, somehow I could complete them, and they worked.

I'm tired, but it was fun.

【No. 0414】Sakha Republic

Feb 5, 2016 10:35
Today, I searched for Sakha Republic, which is one of 85 federal subjects of the Russian Federation.

Since Sakha Republic has recorded minus 71.2 Celsius degrees, which is the world's lowest temperature except for Antarctica, it is thought of as the cold pole in the Northern Hemisphere.

Also, when the temperature goes below minus 50 degrees, schools seem to be closed.

I think there are little people who are sick, because disease-causing bacteria can't inhabit such cold regions.

However, the temperature seems to goes up to almost 30 degrees in summer.

By the way, Sakha Republic is famous for diamonds, and one fourth of diamonds in the worlds is mined in Sakha.

The number of countries where I want to go increased today.

【No. 0413】Japanese Prefer a Bright Light

Feb 4, 2016 17:02
Thoughts and preferences seem to be different between countries.

Japanese tend to prefer a refreshing white light rather than a warm bulb light.

In fact, fluorescent lamps are equipped in almost all Japanese households.

Therefore, rooms in Japan are very bright even at night.

On the other hand, in Europe and the US, only required places are illuminated by incandescent light bulbs, and fluorescent lamps are not used so much.

If you use only the required brightness in the required places, you can save on electricity, and it will not disturb our your living rhythm.

For these reasons, recently in Japan, the modality of the illumination has been reconsidered.

【No. 0412】How to Get On and Off Trains in Japan

Feb 3, 2016 10:24
Today, I will introduce how to get on and off trains in Japan.

There are many types of trains, but the ways to get on and off them are divided into three types.

In cities like Tokyo or many other regions, doors of trains open and close automatically.

However, in the suburbs or the countryside (especially in cold regions), we have to open and close the doors by pushing buttons.

Furthermore, if the trains are old types, we have to open and close the doors by using our hands.

The reason why the opening and closing are performed manually is to improve the efficiency of heating and cooling by not leaving the doors open.

Also, the last person who was getting on or off the train has not to forget to close the door firmly.

Please be careful when you use these trains in Japan.

【No. 0411】Only Human Beings Can Take Breaths Through the Mouth

Feb 2, 2016 14:44
Today, I learned that living beings that can take breaths through the mouth is only human beings.

First, insects basically take breaths through their abdominal holes called spiracle.

Birds and reptiles take breathes through their noses, because their noses and mouths are directly connected with their respiratory tracts and esophagus, respectively.

Mammals that walk on four legs such as dogs and cats cannot inhale air, because their palates overlap with their epiglottises.

Living beings except human beings have basically separate respiratory tracts and esophagus.

It's also true even for anthropoid apes.

Only human beings share their respiratory tracts and esophagus.

The reason is thought that we have come to walk upright, or come to speak languages.

However, the mouth breathing has many disadvantages, so you don't have to do it too much.

【No. 0410】The Final Examination of My Doctoral Course

Feb 1, 2016 19:55
Today, a research hearing was held as the final examination of my doctoral course.

In accordance with the rules of the course, I had to perform my presentation in English.

To make the presentation successful, I recorded my voice and practiced many many times.

An a result, although the question-and-answer session was very hard, I got over this day.

After that, the examination meeting was held, then I seemed to pass the test.

I'm very pleased about it.

Only if I modify a part of my thesis and align some documents, I can graduate from my doctoral course!

【No. 0409】The Last TOEIC Exam in Schooltime

Jan 31, 2016 16:23
Today, I took a TOEIC exam.

Since it was the last TOEIC which I took as a university student, I hope that I can get a good score.

Also, I will graduate from my university after about two months, so no matter what I do, it might be the last action as a student.

I'd like to enjoy my last schooltime, so as not to leave regrets.

However, putting that aside, I have to overcome the dissertation presentation and the final examination of my doctoral program tomorrow.

If I cannot pass the exam, I must be a student for another half a year, haha.

【No. 0408】The Most Dark Substance

Jan 30, 2016 17:46
The most dark substance is "vantablack," which is composed of carbon nanotubes.

Vantablack absorbs 99.965% of a light, and convert them into heat internally.

Due to such a property, we can not determine whether or not there are unevenness of things that are coated with vantablack.

For example, if someone wear a cloth that is made of vantablack, it looks as if the face and hands appear from the dark space.

Currently, this substance has attracted in the field of weapon and space industries.

【No. 0407】The Effect of the Morning Sun

Jan 29, 2016 12:41
Since getting cold, many people might feel that it's hard to get up in the morning.

Today, I found a "habit of exposure to the morning sun," that is recommended for such people.

Usually, there is a gap between the living cycle and the body clock.

However, by being exposed to the morning sun, the body clock is reset and the gap is able to be modified.

The ideal time to be exposed to the light is about 20-30 minutes within two hours after waking up.

When you wake up, if you go to near the windows, open the curtain, and stay there for a while, you can spend the whole day cheerfully.

Actually, it's enough as long as the illumination intensity is more than 2000 lux, but general indoor lighting is around 1000 lux (general convenience store lighting is around 2500 lux).

On the other hand, the illumination intensity is around 50,000 lux in the sunny day, around 10,000 lux in the cloudy day, and around 5,000 lux in the rainy day.

It's the most efficient to be exposed to the sunlight.

【No. 0406】How to Express "Now I Understand" in Japanese

Jan 28, 2016 13:01
When I correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8, I sometimes see expressions such as "今理解できます" and "今わかります."

I think these are the literal translation results of "now I understand," but they're a little unnatural.

Today, I'd like to show you how to express "now I understand" in Japanese.

First, since we often express "a moment of understanding" when we understand something, past tenses are usually used in such situations.

I mean, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.

At least these are natural Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."

In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing as the following sentences without using "今" ;


【No. 0405】Frozen Toilet

Jan 27, 2016 12:44
Yesterday, I went home and was going to go to the toilet, but the water in the toilet had frozen.

Unless something is done, the water won't flow.

However, I noticed that the frozen area was only near the surface.

Therefore, I tried to pour boiled water into the frozen area several times, and after a while, finally the frozen water melted and flowed.

Somehow it worked.

If it was water-pipes in the kitchen or the bathroom, we could prevent them from freezing by continue to run slight water constantly, but it not valid for the toilet.

I have to consider solutions.

【No. 0404】A Banned Word

Jan 26, 2016 11:26
Few days ago, it was a hot topic that Japanese television stations put up the phrase "頑張れ (go for it)" as a candidate of banned words.

Apparently, someone seems to have made a complaint such as that the phrase gives us the pressure.

However, I can't understand the reason well.

"頑張れ" is a generic phrase that is used when you cheer someone, and I have used it well.

I heard a complaint like "I feel annoyed when someone said '頑張れ' to me, because I'm already working hard," but if I'm in the situation, I will be so impressed when I heard someone say that.

There seem to be a gap in how to feel for the phrase even among Japanese.

This may be because the phrase have several meanings, such as "hang in there," "do your best," "good luck," and "you can do it."

We need to pay attention.

【No. 0403】Cold Wave

Jan 25, 2016 15:43
Under the influence of the cold wave, it seems to snow heavily and very cold in the northern hemisphere.

The region where I live is also cold especially today: the highest temperature is 1 Celsius degree, and the lowest temperature is -11 Celsius degrees.

However, fortunately, there are little snow in this region.

On the other hand, in western Japan, since the temperature usually doesn't become too cold, troubles of water pipes freezing and rupturing seem to be occurred in a row.

I found a person who dived into snows in the nude on Twitter.

He tried to take a shower with warm water, but he couldn't because the water pipe froze.

Please be careful.