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【No. 0482】My First Seminar and Drinking Party

Apr 13, 2016 23:31
Today, a graduate research seminar was held with my boss and students.

There were fifteen students, and it was difficult for me to remember all of their names.

However, I could remember easily some individualistic students' names.

Also, we held a drinking party at night.

Since I was able to talk with various nice people, I think it was a profitable time.

One disappointing point was that I couldn't finish the party smoothly because of my bad closing speech.

Anyway, I'd like to support their graduation researches earnestly from now on.

【No. 0481】My First Lesson

Apr 12, 2016 14:48
Yesterday, I performed an exercise lesson as a university teacher for the first time ever.

I made some mistakes, but I barely managed to finish the lesson.

Almost all students paid attention in my talk, so I could survive.

Also, since I was speaking for almost three hours, I was very tired.

I have to do my best my work patiently every week from now.

In addition, I have to spend my spare time doing my research and studying English for my dream.

【No. 0480】Sazae-san [Part 2]

Apr 11, 2016 08:18
Today, I will finish yesterday's entry.

The Japanese national animation "Sazae-san" is broadcasted in the evening every Sunday.

Some Japanese people become depressed after watching Sazae-san, because they have to go to school/work next day.

This symptom is sometimes called "Sazae-san syndrome," which is similar to "Blue Monday Syndrome."

Also, it is said that you can predict changes of Japanese economy by observing the viewer ratings of Sazae-san.

This is because if the economy improve, people will go to eat outside the home on Sunday evenings, and the viewer ratings of Sazae-san will drop.

To tell you the truth, I don't think that this animation is very fun, but you can see it with a light heart.

If you come to Japan, please be sure to watch it.

【No. 0479】Sazae-san [Part 1]

Apr 10, 2016 12:00
Today, I will talk about the Japanese national animation "Sazae-san."

Sazae-san has been broadcasted since 1969, and this year is 46th anniversary.

The number of broadcasts and episodes exceed 2350 and 7000, respectively.

Sazae-san entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running animated TV series.

Sazae-san is one of slice-of-life anime, and the characteristic is to do rock-paper-scissors at the end of the broadcast.

Also, any DVDs of Sazae-san haven't been released with the author's wishes.

Therefore, there are many episodes that we can't watch again.

Continue to Part 2.

【No. 0478】Tenki-Ame (Sunny Rain)

Apr 9, 2016 11:26
Yesterday, I talked about the etymology of "kitsune-no-yomeiri (rain when the sun is shining)."

This phenomenon is officially expressed as "tenki-ame" or "hideri-ame" in Japan ("tenki" and "hideri" mean "sunny," and "ame" means "rain").

Today, I will explain the scientific occurrence reasons of the tenki-ame.

The conditions are able to be divided into two major cases.

One is that rain clouds dissipate before raindrops reach the ground.

If the clouds are convective clouds, since it tends to dissipate after the rainfall, it's easy to become tenki-ame.

Another one is that rains come from a long distance by strong crosswinds.

This phenomenon is often found in mountainous areas.

Also, since sunlight will hit raindrops during the tenki-ame, you will be easier to find rainbows.

【No. 0477】Kitsune-no-yomeiri (Fox Wedding)

Apr 8, 2016 16:11
Yesterday, I introduced the phrase "kitsune-no-yomeiri (fox's wedding)," which means a rain when the sun is shining.

Today, I will talk about this phrase.

Originally, the "kitsune-no-yomeiri" expresses a weird traditional event in Japan.

In this event, we visit a mountain and make a lantern procession in the night.

Since this scene looks like a Japanese traditional wedding by foxes, we call it "kitsune-no-yomeiri (fox's wedding)."

Also, since a rain when the sun is shining is weird as with the fox's wedding, we call the rain "kitsune-no-yomeiri" too.

I heard that some regions in several countries such as the UK and Brazil also refer the rain as "fox's wedding."

By the way, other countries often refer the rain using other animals.

For example, it's called "monkey's wedding" in Africa, and "mouse's wedding" in Arab countries.

【No. 0476】Rain in Japan

Apr 7, 2016 19:07
It rained today.

In Japan, there are many variety names that express rain.

Today, I will talk about some representative ones among them.

Harusame (spring rain) ・・・ A drizzle of early springtime.

Tsuyu (rain of molds) ・・・ A period of long rainy season from June to July.

Yudachi (evening shower) ・・・ A heavy rain in the evening in summer.

Akisame (autumn rain) ・・・ A rain in a long period of time from late August to October.

Shigure (time rain) ・・・ A rain in a short period of time from autumn to winter.

Niwaka-ame (instant rain) ・・・ A rain that comes suddenly and stops in a minute.

Kitune-no-yomeiri (fox's wedding) ・・・ A shower when the sun is shining.

By the way, there are also many wind names in Japan.

【No. 0475】Effects of a Kiss

Apr 6, 2016 21:47
A kiss has various health effects.

According to the German study, husband and wife who kiss each other every morning live an average of 5 years longer than couples who don't.

In addition, couples who kiss every day earn 1.2-1.3 times as much as others.

Also, according to the large-scale survey against 30 countries, Indian married couples seem to kiss most frequently, and the number of kisses is 17.8 times per day.

The second place is Germany, the number is 11.4 times, and the third place is Sweden, the number is 8.8 times.

By the way, the worst country is Japan, and the number is 0.5 times per day.

I'm interested in whether or not life expectancy of Japanese would also increase if we became to kiss frequently.

【No. 0474】How to Use a Cane

Apr 5, 2016 18:05
Today, I learned a correct use of a cane.

I've thought that you should hold a cane with your hand in the same side of your bad foot.

However, this thought is wrong, and the right way is to hold a cane in the opposite side of your bad foot.

Originally, a cane is used to prevent from leaning your entire body weight onto your bad foot.

However, if the distance from your bad foot and a cane is close, the balance will become worse.

Therefore, you should hold a cane with your hand in the opposite side of your bad foot for the sake of a safe.

It is said that you will understand it when you actually use a cane.
Apr 4, 2016 22:38
Today, I learned about the copyright of Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower, which is an symbolic building of Paris, France, was built in 1889.

Also, people have visited there more than any other fee buildings.

I think that most tourists will take pictures of the Eiffel Tower, but you have to be careful during the night.

The Eiffel Tower was decorated with illuminations in 2003, and the City of Paris obtained the copyright for it as an artistic production in 2005.

Therefore, if you take and use pictures of the illuminated Eiffel Tower without permission from the City of Paris, you may be punished.

【No. 0472】Yunomi (a tea bowl)

Apr 3, 2016 17:07
Today, I will talk about a "yunomi," which is one of Japanese tableware.

"Yu" in "yunomi" means "hot water," and "nomi" in "yunomi" means "to drink."

As its name suggests, the "yunomi" is a cup bowl to drink hot water or tea.

In most cases, yunomis are made of potteries, and there are no handles that tea cups have.

The reason is to make sure whether or not the temperature of drink is suitable for drinking by your hand.

Since the most delicious temperature of Japanese green tea is about from 60 to 80 Celsius degrees, if you can't hold the yunomi, it expresses that the drink is too hot.

Also, there is another reason that you can enjoy the feel of the pottery by your hand.

【No. 0471】Cat Day

Apr 2, 2016 11:44
Today, I'd like to talk about

There are many Cat Days all over the world.

In 1987 in Japan, the Cat Day committee meeting defined February 22nd as Cat Day.

The reason is because the sound of a cat in Japan "nyan" corresponds to the sound of 2 "ni."

In that day, we seem to feel grateful about happiness being able to live together with cats, and share the joy with cats.

Also in the US, October 16th is Feral Cat Day, and they seem to think about lives of humans and feral cats.

By the way, Cat Day is March 1st in Russia, November 17th in Italy, August 27th in China, August 1st in Malaysia, and World Cat Day is August 8th.

【No. 0470】My New Post

Apr 1, 2016 22:57
Today, I finally assumed a post of a faculty of a university.

First, I received a letter of appointment, then participated in a workshop for new teachers.

After that, I participated in a faculty meeting and a drinking party.

This party was held as a welcome party of new teachers.

I drank a lot and ate dishes while talking with various teachers.

I tasted also delicious wine.

I felt that I'm blessed with fantastic professors and teachers.

I will do my best in this university.

【No. 0469】Ukiashi-datsu

Mar 31, 2016 12:24
Today, I will talk about a Japanese term "ukiashi-datsu."

"Uki" of "ukiashi" means to float, and "ashi" of "ukiashi" means your feet.

Therefore, "ukiashi" means a state that you're standing on your tiptoes and your heels are floating.

Since this state is unstable, "ukiashi" came to express that you're restless and anxious, or you have cold feet.

Nowadays, we often use "ukiashi" as "ukiashi datsu (to stand with a state of ukiashi)," or "ukiashi-ninaru (to become ukiashi)."

Recently, people sometimes use "ukiashi-datsu" as the meaning of "to be restless and excited," but this is misuse.

【No. 0468】How to Sit on a Toilet

Mar 30, 2016 17:10
I prefer Western-style toilets that you can sit on to Japanese-style toilets that you have to bend down, because I can relax by sitting.

However, if you sit on the Western toilets in a normal way, your excrement's flow from your rectum to your anus might be prevented.

On the other hand, it is though that a bend down style is suitable for defecation.

In fact, after Western-style toilets became widespread in Japan, the number of constipation patients has been increased.

In order to lay your egg smoothly even when you use Western-style toilets, it is recommended that you prepare a footrest, put your legs on it, and bend forward.

【No. 0467】Right and Left [Part2]

Mar 29, 2016 08:38
Today, I will write the rest of the yesterday's entry.

In Japan, when we receive a diploma in an award ceremony, we first hold out our left hands.

It is thought that the reason why we think that left is superior to right is because the sun rises from east.

However, since west can become both right and left depending on the observer's direction, I'm not sure whether or not this hypothesis is right.

By the way, many of Australia's indigenous languages don't seem to have words that correspond to "right" and "left."

They use "north," "south," "east" and "west" instead.

【No. 0466】Right and Left [Part1]

Mar 28, 2016 18:00
Today, I will talk about "right" and "left."

Worldwide, it's thought that "right" is better and more canonical than "left" in many cases.

In fact, "right" has the meaning of something like "correct," and the right-hand side of the first place is the second place in a podium.

On the other hand, "left" has sometimes negative meanings, for example, "left-handed" contains the meaning of "awkward."

In addition, in Hinduism and Islam, a right hand is a sacred hand to eat meals, and a left hand is an impure hand to clean your bottoms.

However, Japanese people often think that "left" is superior to "right."

In our diets, we place staple food and main dish on left-side.

In our politics, the rank of Sadaijin (minister of the left) is higher than the rank of Udaijin (minister of the right).

(Since this post will be too long, I will write the rest part tomorrow.)

【No. 0465】!? v.s. ?!

Mar 27, 2016 15:52
Today, I'd like to talk about an exclamation point question mark (!?) and a question mark exclamation mark (?!).

Both symbols are used when you want to express your surprise and question simultaneously, but you can choose either depending on the first emotion that you felt.

In Japanese texts, the exclamation point question mark is used more frequently than the question mark exclamation point.

Also, these symbols are used to represent an ambitious and notable move in a game record of chess.

By the way, I was surprised at the presence of the symbol "interrobang(‽)" today.

This symbol is a fusion of a exclamation point and a question mark, and was invented in 1962 by Martin K. Speckter.

I'm not sure whether this symbol is commonly used in overseas.

【No. 0464】The Roots of Japanese-style Curry

Mar 26, 2016 21:38
Today, I will talk about the roots of Japanese curry.

The origin of curry is India, but Japanese-style curry was imported from the British Navy.

In the past, since refrigeration technologies had not been developed, the British Navy couldn't store milk that is an ingredient of a stew.

However, the British Navy learned that spices have an antiseptic effect while stopping over India, and developed British-style curry.

After the British-style curry was imported to Japan, Japanese people added flour and make it thickened to suit rice, which is the Japanese staple.

In this way, Japanese-style curry was made.

By the way, it is famous that people belonging to the Japanese Navy eat curry every Friday in Japan.

This custom was established so as not to forget the sense of days of the week.

【No. 0463】Hotaru no Hikari (Glowing Firefly)

Mar 25, 2016 19:11
March is the season of graduation in Japan.

In Japanese commencement ceremonies, we often sing "hotaru no hikari (glowing firefly)" as a farewell song.

The original song of "hotaru no hikari" is the Scottish folk song "Auld Lang Syne," which is comparable to the Scottish national anthem.

Also, "Auld Lang Syne" has spread all over the world.

Actually, Japanese people sing in favor of songs that were derived from Scottish folk songs in addition to "Auld Lang Syne."

One of the reasons is thought that the musical scale of Scottish folk songs is the same as the Japanese traditional one (5 musical scale).