【No. 1502】Asu wa Wagami (明日は我が身 - Tomorrow It Might Be Me)
Jan 28, 2019 18:05
Asu wa Wagami
Have you ever seen someone's misfortune in front of you?
You might think that it is just an event of other people and does not concern you, but a similar misfortune could befall you in the near future.
Asu wa wagami (明日は我が身) is a Japanese phrase that admonishes people for such a possibility.
Asu (明日) means "tomorrow," waga (我が) means "my," and mi (身) means "body."
That is to say, asu wa wagami literally says that it might happen to my body tomorrow.
Have you ever seen someone's misfortune in front of you?
You might think that it is just an event of other people and does not concern you, but a similar misfortune could befall you in the near future.
Asu wa wagami (明日は我が身) is a Japanese phrase that admonishes people for such a possibility.
Asu (明日) means "tomorrow," waga (我が) means "my," and mi (身) means "body."
That is to say, asu wa wagami literally says that it might happen to my body tomorrow.