【No. 2042】Gaden Insui (我田引水 - Self-serving)
May 25, 2023 22:02
Gaden Insui
The action of trying to make things happen to one's own advantage is called gaden insui (我田引水) in Japanese.
Since ga (我) means "my," den (田) means "field," in (引) means
"to draw," and sui (水) means "water," the literal meaning of this four-character idiom is "to draw water to my own field."
Imagine the selfish act of drawing water only to your own field while ignoring other people's fields. That is gaden insui.
Such a selfishness act can also be described as temae gatte (手前勝手) or jibun katte (自分勝手).
The action of trying to make things happen to one's own advantage is called gaden insui (我田引水) in Japanese.
Since ga (我) means "my," den (田) means "field," in (引) means
"to draw," and sui (水) means "water," the literal meaning of this four-character idiom is "to draw water to my own field."
Imagine the selfish act of drawing water only to your own field while ignoring other people's fields. That is gaden insui.
Such a selfishness act can also be described as temae gatte (手前勝手) or jibun katte (自分勝手).