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【No. 0042】AR

Jan 29, 2015 23:59
Today I learned AR (Augmented Reality) techniques and its implement way.

Actually, I implemented an AR program in the past, but I forgot it.

At that time I used C++ to implement it, but this time, I used Unity and C# in order to cut corners.

Someday, I would like to apply the AR technique using X-ray CT in surgery.

【No. 0041】Vacuum Cleaner

Jan 28, 2015 23:40
A few days ago, I cleaned up my room in ages.

The messy room became tidy, however, my vacuum cleaner was on its last legs.

I couldn't finish the cleanup at that time, so I've left with such a halfway feeling.

And tonight, the new vacuum cleaner that I ordered on Amazon was delivered.

I can't wait to use it until Tomorrow morning, but I have to control myself because it might be noisy.

Whenever I open a new product, even if it was a cleaning supply, I'm so excited always.

【No. 0040】Today, I learned how to use Git.

Jan 27, 2015 22:44
Today, I learned how to use Git.

Git is a distributed version control system, and version control is really important for most programmers.

Until today, I've relied on a version control system attached IDE.

But from today, I can do version control for many kind of file types in variety of situations.


【No. 0039】FEZ

Jan 26, 2015 22:00
 2 days ago, I watched gameplay video of "FEZ," which was developed by Polytron Corporation in Canada. I felt the concept of the game is really interesting. In the game, characters are living in a 2D world, but actually, the world is 3D. One day, a central character, Gomez got a power interfering the three-dimensional space, and decided to save the world using the power.

 According to the play movie, there are many funny gimmick composed of 2D and 3D. I really like such a mystery solving game. So I decided to purchase on Steam, even though I wouldn't play the game for a while. Then, I created a Steam account and just purchase it at 980 yen. However, when I watched the Steam site today, I noticed "FEZ" is sold at 75% OFF. It's only 245 yen. I became a little sad.

【No. 0038】Rain Bringer

Jan 25, 2015 22:37
In Japan, there is a word Ameotoko, which means a man whose presence bring on rain in events such as a travel. The word is often used as a joke, but I think it might denigrate someone. In my considered opinion, raining on a trip is not rare case at least in Japan. Actually, the number of precipitation days is 123 days a year in Japan, it's almost one-third probability. There is no wonder that it rains during travels for several times in a row.

However, if it rains for 15 consecutive times, the probability becomes less than being hit with a thunderbolt probability (or the lottery winning probability). Also, if it rains for 20 consecutive times, the probability becomes as probable as being hit by a meteorite. If there is such a person, he should be respected, I think.

【No. 0037】Satanic Kotatsu

Jan 24, 2015 22:16
Today, I got a kotatsu out from closet.

A kotatsu, it's a traditional furniture of Japan, also a satanic tool.

It's small table with an electric heater underneath and covered by a quilt.

It's really really comfortable.

Therefore, once I sit under the kotatsu, I wouldn't want to leave from there.

The aspect seems a parasite who live with kotatsu.

Those who live with kotatsu is sometimes called "kotatsumuri," which is made up of two words, "kotatsu" and "katatsumuri." (katatsumuri means snail.)

Every winter, the lazy people were mass-produced by kotatsu, so I want to deal it very carefully.

Ahhh, I must be in heaven...

By the way, the man whose car was bumped by my one contacted me.

As repair costs, He requested ten thousand yen (almost 85 dollars) to me.

Fortunately, the repair place was his car's license plate only.

I'm grateful for surviving.

【No. 0036】How to Pronounce Abbreviations

Jan 23, 2015 22:13
Today, I learned laws of how to pronounce abbreviations.

Firstly, if the abbreviation is composed of 2 characters, it should be pronounced in unabbreviated form.

For example, "i.e." is pronounced "that is," and "e.g." is pronounced "for example."

Secondly, if the abbreviation is composed of 3 characters, it should be pronounced each characters.

For example, "WHO," "TPP," "ODA," and "FBI."

Thirdly, if the abbreviation is composed of 4 or more characters, it should be pronounced literally.

For example, "NATO," "AIDS," "NASA," and "UNESCO."

However, there are many exceptions.

For example, "UCLA" is pronounced "yuu-see-el-ei," "MIT" is sometimes pronounced "mit."

I think the way of pronounce depends on its readability, understandability, and degree of coolness.

【No. 0035】I performed a presentation of statistics class.

Jan 22, 2015 20:04
I performed a presentation of statistics class.

Since I couldn't enough prepare the presentation, I was little nervous.

Then, it was ended in peace except the question-and-answer session.

In the session, the teacher asked to me some questions in English, but I couldn't catch all of them.

When I couldn't understand his words, I said just "Ah-uh" or "Yes, maybe" or something words in Japanese.

It was so embarrassing.

However, fortunately he can speak Japanese fluently.

Therefore, he helped me sometimes, and I was saved.

Anyway, I somehow overcame this day.

【No. 0034】English Presentation

Jan 21, 2015 20:44
I have to perform presentation in English tomorrow.

It's only 5 minute presentation, but I needed about a week to prepare it.

And actually, the preparation hasn't be finished yet, so I will work until late at night.

However, really scary thing is question-and-answer session after presentation.

I'm worried about whether I could catch and understand questions.

【No. 0033】I watched a few episodes of "White Color" on Hulu.

Jan 20, 2015 23:24
I watched a few episodes of "White Color" on Hulu.

It was interesting, so I'll continue to watch it.

However, I noticed that the drama will have the plug pulled in season 6.

I think American dramas are really interesting, but I also think they are too long.

Please don't extend story just because it became a popular, please don't become strange final episode.

I don't know what will happen in future episodes of "White Color", I desperately think so.

【No. 0032】I've done my statistics homework since fer hours.

Jan 19, 2015 22:47
I've done my statistics homework since fer hours.

It's about t test, and I have to make some sort of null hypothesis which would be rejected.

So now, I'm collecting X-ray CT simulation data as changing parameters of incident X-ray intensity distribution.

I thought there is a significant difference between standard deviation of incident X-ray intensity and quality of reconstruction images (CT images).

I'm looking forward to get results.

It's thrilling. :)

【No. 0031】Got a New Nintendo 3DS

Jan 18, 2015 20:38
Today, I studied English for 6 hours on the internet learning site of my university.

I was happy to earn high score on that site, and I bought a New Nintendo 3DS as a reward for myself.

Now, Nintendo is doing New Nintendo 3DS campaign which allow a 40 percent discount off several downloadable titles.

So I bought "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D", and played it.

I was impressed with 3D viewing, however, it was really tiring to keep playing.

About after 30 minutes, headache occurred and I closed the 3DS gently.

Unfortunately, 3D viewing seems not suitable to my eyes...

【No. 0030】Create an X-ray CT Simulator

Jan 17, 2015 19:17
Today, I finished creating an X-ray CT simulation software for my client of the dentist, and delivered it.

It took me about 3 weeks.

Because I had to create it alone, it was really hard to debug it.

However, in spite of my exertions, some bugs might remained.

I think the client will report some bugs or request additional function to me within a week, and I will reply to his request.

The software development process is(maybe) referred to as the spiral model which was proposed by Barry Boehm in 1988.

Actually, I just wanted to use the words "spiral model" because I felt the sound was cool.

And after that, I've learned English words patiently.

【No. 0029】Today, I needed to come home early.

Jan 16, 2015 20:14
Today, I needed to come home early.

That is because national center test for university admissions will be performed at my university next two days.

I also took the exam to enter national universities.

I was 19 years old... I feel really nostalgic.

When I entered my university, I decided to grow into a competent adult in the future, but I haven't yet realized it.

In the meantime now, I have to post a paper to journal.

However, I can't go to my university because of the exam next two days, so I will study at home and sometimes play game for a change.

In fact, there is no TV and game hardware in my apartment now, so I'm mulling over buying new one.

(Actually, I wanted to play "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword", but I lent my junior my TV and Wii 2 weeks ago...)

【No. 0028】Sneaked into a Class

Jan 15, 2015 23:05
This morning, I tried to sneak into a class of master's course, and was exposed immediately because there were few students.

However, the teacher welcomed me with good cheer. Yes!

The teacher teach statistics using Python, and I wanted to learn how to use Python for statistics analysis.

In the class, the teacher spoke only English, so sometimes I could not understand his words.

However, I could get a sense of Python programming, and it was so exciting.

And now, I have a homework until next week.'s been a really long time.

I'm excited!

【No. 0027】Birthday Present For My Mother

Jan 14, 2015 22:00
Two months ago, I forgot to prepare my mother's birthday present.

And after one month from now, I will go back to my hometown for some reason.

Since I want to give my mother a present at that time, I bought a SSD today.

Of course, my mother doesn't want such a SSD, but she previously said "I wish I could have had my laptop.."

Therefore, I decided to compose a laptop using my old PC components and the SSD.

I'm sure she likes this laptop! :D

【No. 0026】Break Away From Swing

Jan 13, 2015 23:00
Today, I considered whether or not to break away from Swing-based development.

Swing is a famous GUI widget toolkit for Java language.

Actually, I've used Swing to develop software for 5 years, and we've gone together like bacon and eggs, and I love her.

But development resources for Swing decreased significantly, and Oracle said "JavaFX will supersede Swing.".

So I learned JavaFX a little, but there were so many different points between JavaFX and Swing.

I was really sad.

It was not possible for me to determine parting with her today.

【No. 0025】A Little Embarrassing Story

Jan 12, 2015 21:34
I suddenly remembered my embarrassing event in the last year.

Today, I want to write the bare truth.

I participated the international conference in Singapore, and after it was finished, I went to the airport lounge to go back to Japan.

And I was eating light meal alone at 3 seater table, and one couple came next to my table.

They put their luggage in the chair and trying to sit down, but they're short by one chair.

At that moment, I intuitively thought they would come my table and say something like "Can we use this chair?" to me.

Therefore, I braced myself for saying "Of course!", and then they came.

They said "Is this seat occupied?", and I said "Of course!" with the gesture meaning "Please use this.".

They were confused and I was confused too, and I didn't know what to say.

Since I just finished eating foods then, I gave them a little smile and went off hastily.

I was embarrassed.

【No. 0024】TOEIC Test Day

Jan 11, 2015 21:28
Today was the TOEIC test day, so I was a little nervous.

And I took the TOEIC test.

At first, I went well in the listening section, and the phase problem section as well.

However, I spent many time to solve phase problem section, and I couldn't answer the last 15 problems (I filled the mark sheet randomly).

I want to be able to read English statements more quickly.

【No. 0023】Coin Tossing Probability

Jan 10, 2015 22:14
Today, I want to talk about coin toss probability.

Please imagine that you toss 2000 coins.

Each coin will fall and rest with either side face up "heads" or "tails" with equal probability.

Well then, what is the probability that at least 1100 heads appear?

When I saw this problem for the first time, I thought intuitively the answer is around a few percent.

However, the actual answer is around 0.0004 percent, and it can be derived easily from a normal distribution.

This fact implies strong convergence of the probability.

I wondered the result for a while such as when I'm faced with a paradox, but people with probabilistic sense will understand without much resistance.