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【No. 0182】Phantom Vibration Syndrome

Jun 18, 2015 11:18
Have you felt as if your mobile phone was vibrating despite not vibrating?

I often keep my mobile phone in my pants' pocket, and sometimes I feel like that.

Actually, this symptom has a official name, "phantom vibration syndrome."

According to recent research, we often experience phone's vibrating, and learn it.

Therefore, we become highly sensitive for the vibrating, and fall into confusion.

【No. 0181】Super Formal Letter

Jun 17, 2015 17:29
In order to apply for a public offering, I wrote a stonking formal letter today.

It is really difficult to translate to English, but I think it is something like the followings.

(If you are interested, please read Japanese sentences.)

Dear Mr. ○○.

I hope this letter finds you well.


I will greatly appreciate your further guidance and encouragement.

Yours sincerely.

【No. 0180】ID Photo

Jun 16, 2015 19:17
Today, I had my friend take a photo for my resume.

We firstly used a single lens reflex camera, but it was not so great.

Next, we used iPhone 6's camera, and the result was somehow better.

So I decided to use the photo by iPhone.

However, since it was a little dark, I slightly adjusted the brightness.

I believe such a brightness adjustment is OK. Maybe.

【No. 0179】This is not a drill.

Jun 15, 2015 18:03
I have to submit my resume to a university until this weekend.

This is not a drill.

This is a job hunting.

This might be all about my future.

I'm writing my research plans and my aspirations.

They are becoming too long text.

I'm tired.

【No. 0178】Apple Wireless Keyboard

Jun 14, 2015 20:49
Yesterday, I bought an Apple wireless keyboard (US) on the net auction.

The reason why I bought the US version keyboard is that just it looks cool.

In most of the Japanese keyboard, hiragana are printed, though we rarely use hiragana input system.

We mainly use romaji input system, so there is no need to be printed hiragana on keyboards.

Above all, keyboards that hiragana are printed don't look cool.

Now, I'm satisfied.

【No. 0177】Using CUDA

Jun 13, 2015 17:56
Today, I studied and used CUDA for research efficiency improvement.

CUDA is a technology for high speed computation by GPU.

My study require a huge amount of calculation, and it usually takes about 1 hours per experiment.

However, by using CUDA, the computational time was reduced to about 30 seconds.

This means the 120 times efficiency improvement.

I'm having a hell of a time.

【No. 0176】Etymology of Wi-Fi

Jun 12, 2015 15:15
Wi-Fi is a technology that connects to wireless networks.

It is sometimes said that this word is derived from wireless fidelity, but this story is wrong.

Actually, Wi-Fi is derived from Hi-Fi (High Fidelity : this means audio devices), and "Wi" didn't have any meaning.

It is just rhymed.

The meaning "wireless fidelity" was given later.

【No. 0174】The Largest Door

Jun 10, 2015 12:23
Today, I'd like to introduce the largest "sliding door" in the world.

It is located in the Tanegashima Space Center of JAXA in Japan.

The dimensions of the door is 67 m height, 27 m width, and 2.5 m thickness.

This is mainly used for transporting rocket parts.

However, the largest "door" in the world is located in the Kennedy Space Center of NASA in America.

The door has 139 m height.

【No. 0173】The temperature that water density become maximum.

Jun 9, 2015 12:53
Generally, solid has higher density than liquid, but water is different.

The temperature that water density become maximum is around 3.98 degrees Celsius .

When water freeze and become ice, the volume will increase and the density will decrease, because the crystal structure have a lot of gaps.

However, if the ice is melting a little, the volume will decrease and the density will increase, because the water molecules will get through the gaps of the crystal.

Also, if the temperature exceed 3.98 degrees Celsius, the volume will decrease but the density will also decrease, because the intermolecular distance of the water will increase.

For these reasons, ice float on water.

You might feel that this phenomenon is natural, but it's really special and rare.

【No. 0172】How to Find Something

Jun 8, 2015 18:55
Today, I learned how to find something effectively.

We often look for missing items from left side to right side.

However, when the searching direction is same as way to read books, we tend to skip various things.

Therefore, it is said that we can be more sensitive when we look for something from right side to left side.

【No. 0171】Skin Peeling

Jun 7, 2015 16:53
I realized that my skins are peeling.

Because I went to cycling last weekend and got a sunburn.

Now my skins are almost totally brown, but the peeled region is pink.

I think it looks like creepy.

【No. 0170】Crossing Fingers

Jun 6, 2015 16:19
On my t-shirt, which is a gift from my American friend, crossing fingers illustration are printed.

I like it, so I often wear it.

In Europe and the United States, crossing fingers mean "cross" and "good luck."

However, the sign means something like "barrier from dirty things" in Japan, so actually we shouldn't use it too much.

Furthermore in Vietnam, I heard it means an insult.

Since the meanings of hand signs are different between countries, we have to be careful when we use them.

【No. 0169】Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla

Jun 5, 2015 09:43
Gorilla is the largest animal in primate, and the scientific name is interesting.

Gorilla is divided into two species; western gorilla and eastern gorilla.

Western gorilla is divided into two subspecies; western lowland gorilla and cross river gorilla.

Eastern gorilla is also divided into two subspecies; mountain gorilla and eastern lowland gorilla.

The science names of these gorillas are shown in the followings;

Western gorilla : Gorilla gorilla

- Western lowland gorilla : Gorilla gorilla gorilla

- Cross river gorilla : gorilla gorilla diehli

Eastern gorilla : Gorilla beringei

- Mountain gorilla : Gorilla beringei beringei

- Eastern lowland gorilla : Gorilla beringei graueri

The most popular species in gorilla is western lowland gorilla, that is gorilla gorilla gorilla.

By the way, the science name of human is homo sapiens sapiens.

【No. 0168】Manybar Goatfish (Ojisan)

Jun 4, 2015 11:23
Manybar goatfish is called "ojisan (means man in midlife)" in Japan.

The reason why is that the fish have long barbel on their face and look like men in midlife.

However, I think this naming way is too easy.

We can eat this fish, but if we say "I ate ojisan (I ate man in midlif)," it could sound so strange.

【No. 0167】A Rainy Day

Jun 3, 2015 21:15
Since it rained after a long interval, I went to my university by foot.

However, my umbrella was in my laboratory, and I only had a folding umbrella.

Therefore, my shoulders and my shoes got bloody soaked.

I felt a bit blue.

When I came home, the rain had ceased.

It was thankful for small mercies.

【No. 0166】Typing Game

Jun 2, 2015 16:11
Recently, typing game are prevalent among my friends, and I also enjoy it for a change.

According to the game, I can type around 6 characters per second.

I thought the score was good enough, but I heard someone can type over 20 characters per second.

I think he is amazing and crazy typist.

【No. 0165】Working in the Morning

Jun 1, 2015 20:41
I often read books and check emails in the morning.

However, I heard we should avoid such things.

Almost all tasks are divided into two types; brainworks and simple works.

In the morning, sympathetic becomes dominant, that is, our brains are active.

Therefore, we should do brainworks during the morning instead of simple works such as reading books or checking emails.

It is said that these simple works should be done during the evening or night, because parasympathetic becomes dominant in the night.