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【No. 0222】A(la) 440 Hz

Jul 28, 2015 11:06
Today, I learned about a frequency of babies cry.

The frequency is always 440 Hz, which is the music node A (also called la).

Surprisingly, this law can be applied for not only human babies, but also babies of every mammal.

The reason why the frequency is constant has not been revealed yet, but there are some hypotheses.

According to the one hypothesis, the frequency 440 Hz is stimulate us, and babies seem to try to wake us.

By the way, orchestras tune their instruments using the music node A(440 Hz).

Also, the international standard pitch has been determined to 440 Hz at the conference in London.

【No. 0221】The Meaning of "失笑"

Jul 27, 2015 13:17
Today, I'd like to introduce the word "失笑," which is misunderstood by many Japanese people.

Although the true meaning of "失笑" is to burst out laughing, around 70% Japanese think it as to laugh scornfully.

I think the reason why is that the main meaning of "失" is "lost."

If we read the sentence "笑いを失う," we would think it as something like "it wasn't funny thing."

However, the meaning of "失" in "失笑" is "mistake."

Therefore "失笑" means mistaking laughing, and it was extended to mean bursting out laughing.

After you read this post, you would be more savvy about "失笑" than many Japanese people, but please be careful when you use it.

Because many of us regard "失笑" as a bad meaning.

【No. 0220】Cycling around the Setting of "Summer Wars"

Jul 26, 2015 16:49
Since it was fine morning, I rode my bicycle to a foot of a nearby mountain.

Although the cycling was a very short trip, I was able to refresh because I recently had had a lack of exercise .

The following picture is a spot in the neighborhood of my apartment.

It might be too rural, but I really like such sceneries surrounded by green.

By the way, this spot is close to the region, which was used as the setting of the Japanese animated movie "Summer Wars."

【No. 0219】Beat the Skyward Sword

Jul 25, 2015 22:20
Today, I played "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" after a long interval, and eventually finished it.

The game was difficult for me, especially the battle scene by shaking the Wii remote controller.

However, it was also exciting, challenging, funny, and filling.

Having now completed it, I feel great satisfaction.


To tell the truth, this is not the time to play games anymore.

I have to progress my study for my future.

From now on, I seal off all games until the end of my job hunting.

【No. 0218】The Meaning of "まめ"

Jul 24, 2015 14:28
Today, I'd like to introduce a Japanese word "まめ."

If this word was written in kanji, such as "豆," it would mean "bean."

However, we sometimes use it as a prefix, and then the meaning is "small."

For example, we use it like "豆知識(まめちしき:bits of knowledge)," "豆電球(まめでんきゅう:fairy lights)," "豆鉄砲(まめでっぽう:popgun)."

"まめ" has also the adjective meaning of "dedicated" or "organized."

If "まめ" was used as an adjective meaning, it would include various good meanings.

If we say "あなたはまめな人だね(you're an dedicated person)," this will mean praise, but don't say "あなたはまめのような人だね(You're a person like bean)."

"あなたはまめのような人だね" means something like "you're a small person" or "you're an intolerant person."

Incidentally, "まめ" also means "blister" and "foot corn."

【No. 0217】Interesting Researches about Super Mario.

Jul 23, 2015 13:15
Today, I learned about two interesting researches about Super Mario.

One is related to Super Mario 64, and the other is related to Super Mario Sunshine.

According to the former study done in German, playing Super Mario 64 make people to smarter and to improve their reflexes.

Specifically, brain regions related to memory formation, spatial orientation, strategic planning and fine motor skills seemed to be enlarged.

It was suggested that this game might help in treatment, such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer.

According the the latter study, playing Super Mario Sunshine make people to more kind.

However, this information came from the internet, and I couldn't find the original source.

So this might fake information, but somehow I feel it as truth.

【No. 0216】Juice's Label

Jul 22, 2015 13:52
Japanese people call various beverages "juice(ジュース)."

For example, apple drink, orange soda, isotonic drink, etc., all of them are called "ジュース" in Japan.

So you might confuse whether the juice that was appeared in your conversation is 100% fruit juice or not.

However, there is a law about labels (maybe as with other countries).

If the percentage of the fruit juice is less than 5%, it is forbidden to draw a realistic fruit illustration to the label.

If the percentage of fruit juice is equal to or more than 5% and less than 100%, it is possible to draw a realistic fruit illustration, but it is forbidden to draw a cross-section of the fruit to the label.

If the percentage of fruit juice is 100%, it is possible to draw a realistic fruit illustration and a cross-section of the fruit to the label.

Therefore, you can determine whether the drink is juice or not from the illustration on the label.

【No. 0215】Car License Plate in Japan

Jul 21, 2015 18:22
In Japan, one character of hiragana is used on every car license plate.

However, only four characters, 「お」,「し」,「ん」 and 「へ」 don't be used.

Today, I'd like to introduce these reasons.

「お」: Because this character is very similar to 「あ」.

「し」: Because this character implies 「死 (death)」.

「ん」: Because it is difficult to pronounce this character.

「へ」: Because this character implies 「屁 (poot)」, and there is a possibility that interferes your driving by laughing.

Until today, I didn't know these facts. Hehehe.

【No. 0214】My First Work on 3D Printer

Jul 20, 2015 21:56
Today, I finished making works on 3D printer.

I had wanted to create something like a shelf, but I failed.

Instead, I created cell phone stands like the following.

Actually, I failed to complete works three or four times, so these are my first finished works!

I'm immature, but now I'm satisfied.

After this, I have to burr and rough these works.

【No. 0213】Launch a 3D printer

Jul 19, 2015 18:35
Today, I set up and started a 3D printer.

It took about an hour to set it up.

And now, 3D printing is being executed.

I chose a shelf of key and wallet as my first 3D printing.

I'm excited.

However, it seems take about twenty four hours to complete.

Also, since it consumes electric power, I can't use an air conditioner.

It's hot, I'm melting.

Furthermore, it's noisy.


【No. 0212】Thieves Prefer Rainy and Windy Days

Jul 18, 2015 22:33
Recently in Japan, there are many rainy and windy days by the approach of typhoon.

We have to be careful about not only the rain and wind but also sneak thieves.

In fact, thieves prefer rainy and windy days.


・When the break-in, they break window glasses or do picking doors, but the rain and the wind drown these sounds.

・When the weather is bad, people have no room to care about other people.

・When laundries are left out despite the rain, it will inform that residents of the house are absence.

Also, today most thieves seem to use SNS, such as Facebook or Twitter.

If you posted articles something like "I've been on a trip to Hawaii!" you could be targeted by thieves.

Anyway, please be careful.

【No. 0211】An Hair Growing Speed

Jul 17, 2015 16:20
Do you know a growing speed of your hair?

It is around an average of 10.8 um(micrometer).

This speed is similar to a relative speed of continental drift.

Also, a growing speed of your nails is around an average of 4 um.

This speed is similar to an average of a speed that the moon is moving away from the Earth.

I think these are interesting facts.

【No. 0210】Bought a 3D Printer

Jul 16, 2015 17:22
Yesterday, a super discount sale was held on Amazon.

My target was a MacBook Pro, and it was sold at 50% off in limited 100 units.

However, I couldn't buy it.

Instead, somehow I could buy a 3D printer called "Da Vinci Jr." at 90% off.

While the catalog price was 49,800 yen, the discount price was 4,980 yen.

I was thrilled, but after a while, I thought.

"I wonder if I wanted this?"

Tentatively, I will try to use a 3D CAD software, and create some objects by the 3D printer.

【No. 0209】Amazon Prime Day

Jul 15, 2015 16:12
Today is Amazon's prime day, and various goods are being discounted.

I checked them, and I decided to buy some goods, such as a Chromecast, a mouse, and a dryer.

Also, I could get 1000 yen gift points.

I'm now a little happy.

Amazon will sale MacBook Pro at a reduced price at 22:00, and I want to buy it.

However, since there are a lot of competition, it's difficult to get it.

Please give me a chance to buy the MacBook Pro.

【No. 0208】A Risk of Water Flasks

Jul 14, 2015 14:15
As summer approaches, we will need to receive hydration frequently.

At such a time, a water flask is useful because of its portability.

I think some people put isotonic drink or juice in the water flask.

Such drink containing salt and sugar is effective to heat stroke, but if the water flask is made of metal like aluminium or stainless, please be careful.

Most of these metals are easy to react with acidic liquid such as isotonic drink, juice, carbonated beverages.

In particular, coke have really high acidity, and it easy to melt metals.

If we drank these beverages containing melted metals, we will be poisoning.

Therefore, please do not put beverages except water in your water flask.

【No. 0207】Penalties for Drunk Driving in the World

Jul 13, 2015 15:23
Today, I learned various penalties for drunk driving in the world.

In some countries, there are horrible punishment.

For example, in El Salvador or Bulgaria,, the penalty is an execution by firing squad.

In Malaysia, the penalty is to be imprisoned with their spouses.

In Russia, the penalties persons can not drive cars in their lifetime.

In turkey, the penalties persons will be taken to a suburb, and they will be imposed to walk about 32 km.

In Japan, the penalty is to be imprisoned or to pay a fine of one million yen.

I like Russian law.

【No. 0206】Our Voices on Cell Phone

Jul 12, 2015 13:39
Have you misunderstood someone's voice on your cell phone?

Actually, it's a natural thing.

The voice which you have heard is a kind of synthesized voice.

Around three thousand voices are registered on the codebook, and the most similar voice is chosen based on the characteristic of speaker's voice and played while we are talking.

Since our voice data are too enormous, this technology called "CELP" has been used.

Therefore, if there are two persons who have a similar voice, it will be so difficult to distinguish them in dependence upon their voices.

【No. 0205】The Moon Names

Jul 11, 2015 15:47
In Japan, there are many moon names depending on their phases.

Actually, many Japanese people don't know all of the moon names.

Today, I'd like to introduce some of them.

If you could say various moon names in Japan, we would think you're so cool.

The 1st day: 新月(shingetsu), which means the new moon.

The 3rd day: 三日月(mikazuki), which means the crescent moon.

The 7th day: 上弦の月(jogen-no-tsuki), which means the first quarter moon.

The 13th day: 十三夜(jusanya), which means the waxing gibbous.

The 14th day: 小望月(komochizuki), which means the eve of the full moon.

The 15th day: 満月(mangetsu), which means the full moon.

The 16th day: 十六夜(izayoi), which means the next night of the full moon. We need to be careful about the way of reading this kanji.

The 17th day: 立待月(tachimachizuki), which means the moon-waiting in a standing position.

The 18th day: 居待月(imachizuki), which means moon-waiting in a sitting position(waning gibbous).

The 19th day: 寝待月(nemachizuki), which means the moon-waiting in a lying position.

The 20th day: 更待月(fukemachizuki), which means the moon-waiting late at night.

The 23th day: 下弦の月(kagen-no-tsuki), which means the last quarter moon.

The 26th day: 有明の月(ariake-no-tsuki), which means the waning crescent or the dawn moon.

The 30th day: 晦日月(misokazuki, or tsugomori), which means the dark moon.

There are still too many names...haha.

【No. 0204】A Very Small Miracle

Jul 10, 2015 10:42
This morning, I went to co-op store of my university and bought my breakfast.

I choose a rice ball and a drink box.

The total price of them was 227 yen.

In my wallet, there are some coins and a 5000 yen bill.

I thought I have to use the bill, but when I counted the coins, there was one 100 yen coin, two 50 yen coins, two 10 yen coins, one 5 yen coin, and two 1 yen coins.

It was perfectly completely matching!

Now, my wallet is very light, hehe.

【No. 0203】Rare 10 Yen Coins in Japan

Jul 9, 2015 21:34
In Japan, there are a plenty of 10 yen coins, and some of them are known as rare coins.

They are nicknamed "ギザ十(giza-ju)," and had been issued between 1951 and 1958.

The origin of the name of the giza-ju is that they have an engrailed rim(ギザギザした縁の10円玉 : gizagiza shita fuchi no ju-yen dama).

Therefore, it is easy to find them.

Also, their value is around 15 yen to 50 yen.

When we sometimes noticed the giza-ju, we could feel a little happy.

However, people who don't know the exist of the giza-ju have increased gradually as the years rolled on.