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【No. 0282】Aquarium Plants

Sep 26, 2015 11:55
Recently, aquarium plants seem to become popular.

There is no fish in the aquarium, and only aquatic plants are the objects of appreciation.

All you have to do is to exchange the water, and there is no need to supply power and prepare food, so anyone can start this aquarium easily.

Furthermore, not only this is beautiful as an interior, but also it can keep the humidity of your room.

Some put fish in the aquarium, in order to in order to maintain the growing environment of aquatic plants in good condition.

【No. 0281】Fart in Space

Sep 25, 2015 17:01
Humans release an average 0.5-1.5 liters fart a day from their bodies.

This is a common physiological phenomenon.

However, you must never fart in space.

If you fart on the planet, the gas will mix with air and diffuse, so the smell will disappear soon.

But in the case of space, the gas will be a lump, drift, and smell dreadful.

Furthermore, since the fart is combustible gas, it is possible that the spacecraft explosion will be caused by your fart.

Therefore, all astronauts have been prohibited to fart except toilet.

【No. 0280】Water Flea

Sep 24, 2015 11:05
A water flea is an about 2-mm plankton, that is live in water.

Today, I'd like to introduce bits of knowledge about the water flea.

When water fleas feel fear for their physical safety, they will sharpen their head.

However, the behavior takes about one day, and it has little benefit.

It's surreal.

By the way, water fleas have 8000 more genes than people.

【No. 0279】Someiyoshino

Sep 23, 2015 13:22
Many Japanese like cherry trees, especially Someiyoshino.

Because all flowers bloom and fall at once, and it looks beautiful.

It is also said that about 80% of Japanese cherry trees is Someiyoshino.

However, in fact the Someiyoshino is an artificial cherry tree, that is a hybrid of Prunus speciosa(Oshimazakura) and Prunus pendula(Edohigan).

And, since it was born in Somei Village and sold as a Yoshino cherry tree, it's called Someiyoshino.

If you will come to Japan in Spring, please enjoy Someiyoshino.

【No. 0278】Differences between Butterflies and Moths

Sep 22, 2015 12:57
Many people have a good image of butterflies, and have a bad image of moths.

This might be because butterflies tend to fly during daytime, while moths tend to fly during night.

However, both butterflies and moths belong to Lepidoptera, and there is no biological difference between the two.

It is really difficult to classify butterflies and moths from their characteristics of look and organs.

Therefore, in Germany, France, Indonesia, and many other countries, people don't distinguish butterflies and moths, and both are represented by one word.

【No. 0277】Open the Kanji

Sep 21, 2015 18:11
We use Kanji characters when writing Japanese sentences.

However, if we convert Hiragana into Kanji as possible, it may be difficult to read.

Therefore, it is said that some Kanji should be written in Hiragana on purpose.

Like this, to write words or phrases that can be written in Kanji in Hiragana, is called "open the kanji(漢字をひらく)."

For example, in the following cases, it will be better by opening the kanji.


【No. 0276】Shinjuku Station

Sep 20, 2015 12:01
Today, I'd like to introduce Shinjuku Station, which is one of the largest stations in Japan.

Shinjuku Station is placed in Tokyo, and it is the terminal station of five railway companies.

This station is really large, an average of 3.5 million people get on and off a day here(Guinness World Records).

The exit from the station is more than 30, so it's a kind of maze to me.

If you search for "新宿駅(Shinhuku Station)" on Google Image Search, very complex maps will come out.

By the way, an RPG app "新宿ダンジョン(Shinhuku dungeon)", which explore Shinjuku Station, was released in Japan.

【No. 0275】Silver Week

Sep 19, 2015 22:05
In Japan, Silver Week has begun from today.

Silver Week is a Japanese term related to consecutive holidays, and it indicates from September 19 to 23 in the case of this year.

I decided to hang out with my friends only today in Silver Week.

We left for the northern part of Nagano Prefecture in the morning, and ate a chicken cutlet curry for lunch.

Then, we went to a high plateau in Niigata Prefecture, ate an ice cream, and drank milk of the ranch.

They were very rich and delicious.

After that, we visited Togakushi Shrine, and finally made a hearty meal of yakiniku.

It was a fulfilling day, the time flew by quickly.

From tomorrow, I will back to my work.

【No. 0274】Caligula Effect

Sep 18, 2015 13:48
Have you ever had the experience of being tempted to watch something by being told "don't watch it?"

This psychological effect, that you feel tempted to something by being prohibited like this, is called "Caligula Effect."

Since most people place more value on rare things, if something is prohibited or restricted, it will tend to get a lot of attention.

Therefore, if someone say "no trespassing," "don't touch," or "don't tell anyone," some people will get eager to do the opposite to them.

Unfortunately, there are exceptions.

Even if you say "don't study hard" to your children, they will not study.

【No. 0273】Don't Mind

Sep 17, 2015 10:14
In Japan, we often say "ドンマイ(don-mai)," when we encourage people who made a mistake.

"ドンマイ" is the word derived from "( I ) don't mind" in English, but I learned that the nuance is different for Japanese and English.

English speakers seem to say "I don't mind" instead of "don't mind," but this doesn't mean to encourage someone.

"ドンマイ" in Japan is similar to "Never mind" and "Don't worry about it" in English.

Since there are several phrases whose nuances have changed by taking root in Japan, we have to be careful when we use them.

【No. 0272】Drink Medicine

Sep 16, 2015 11:19
In Japan, we often say "薬を飲む(drink medicine)" when we take medicine.

It is the same even for a tablet, powder, or liquid.

I think we say "食べる(eat)" when we chew something, and we say "飲む(drink)" when we swallow something.

Some people refer to curry as drink.

On the other hand, take can used for both meals(e.g. take a meal) and drink(e.g. take a cup of coffee).

Since take carry a great deal of meaning, it sometimes helpful, but sometimes confusing to me.

【No. 0271】English Environment

Sep 15, 2015 10:34
In order to improve English, I think it's effective to build an environment that you have to use English.

So today, I switched language settings of my smartphone and PCs to English.

For a while, I may be bewildered by the operation, but I think I will get used to them soon.

Also, I will watch American dramas in Netflix with English subtitles.

Anyway, I really want to improve my English, to write my doctoral thesis in English.

【No. 0270】Unmanned Sales of Vegetables

Sep 14, 2015 13:20
In countrysides of Japan, you can see that vegetables are being sold in the open air.

Vegetables are arranged, and prices are written, but there are no sales person.

If you want to buy the vegetables, you have to put your money into the box placed near them.

Since no labor cost is needed, you can buy vegetables inexpensively.

I think such unmanned sales imply good public safety and order of Japan.

However, unfortunately there seems to be some Japanese people who take vegetables without paying money.

【No. 0269】TOEIC Test Again

Sep 13, 2015 16:28
Today, I took the TOEIC test.

Since it was the first challenge in 8 months, I was a little excited.

However, unfortunately a person just behind me frequently coughed and sniffled loudly during the test.

I couldn't concentrate on the problems, because the loud noise was being emitted from close behind when I was listening and reading English.

Eventually, I wasn't able to answer around twenty problems, so the result could get worse than before.

I want to enhance my concentration against noises.

【No. 0268】Kyoto Sightseeing

Sep 12, 2015 18:43
Today, my friends, my teacher and I went sightseeing in Kyoto for half a day.

During the morning, we visited the Ninnaji Temple, which is listed as a World Heritage Site.

It was a place with atmosphere, and worth seeing.

In the afternoon, we went to see Lake Biwa, which is the largest lake in Japan.

And now, I'm on the bus on the way back to Nagano.

Five more hours and I'll be in my apartment.

【No. 0267】The Academic Conference (Day 2)

Sep 11, 2015 23:52
Today, I performed my presentation at the conference in the afternoon.

The presentation ended in peace, but I failed in the question-and-answer session.

Since I couldn't answer the question well, I was embarrassed.

After the conference, I had a drink with my teacher and friends in the city of Kyoto.

I met the friends after a long time, so it was fun.
Anyway, I am tired today.

【No. 0266】The Academic Conference (Day 1)

Sep 10, 2015 20:25
Today, I participated in the academic conference from this morning.

There were many technical presentations, and I couldn't understand well some of them.

However, there were also many interesting presentations, which elevated my motivation.

Also, people in Osaka were very friendly and kind.

In addition, I felt their Kansai accent were cool and cute.

I'd like to come to this city again someday.

Before thinking such a thing, I have to prepare for tomorrow's my presentation right now.

【No. 0265】Bus Trip

Sep 9, 2015 22:04
Today, I got on a highway bus to Kyoto for seven hours, and got on a train to Osaka for one and half hours.

Since I get carsick easily, I was sleeping most of the time I was on the bus.

However, somehow I was very tired, so I slept again on arrival at a hotel.

I wonder how many time I can sleep.

I might not sleep tonight because of sleeping too much.

【No. 0264】Preparing for Business Trip

Sep 8, 2015 12:41
In order to participate in an academic conference, I'm going to go to Kyoto tomorrow.

My schedule for tomorrow is movement only, and the conference will be held day after tomorrow.

Today, I will compile my research data, and prepare for the departure.

I will put various things, such as suits, ties, extra clothes, and a laptop, into my travel bag.

Since it's something like an excursion, I'm excited.

However, I have to crawl out of my bed at around 4:30 a.m. tomorrow, so I'm a little anxious.

【No. 0263】Movement Distance of Blood

Sep 7, 2015 10:54
Within our bodies, blood is always circulating.

Generally, blood seems to make a circuit of our bodies in around 23 seconds.

This time means that the speed of blood is around 216 km per hour.

Then, blood in our bodies moves approximately 96,540 km in total in a day.

This movement distance is almost equivalent to two and a half times as long as the circumference of the Earth.

I think this is kind of weird.