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【No. 0302】Static Electricity

Oct 16, 2015 13:18
During winter, I often crackle with static electricity when I touch a doorknob.

Since the static electricity shocks me and is painful, I hate it.

In such cases, I heard it will be better to touch the doorknob while rubbing the back of the hand.

The signal that your hand is touched interfere in other signals, so you seem not to feel pain signals caused by static electricity.

It is also effective that you touch non-metal things such as a wooden wall before you touch metals such as a doorknob.

【No. 0301】300th Post

Oct 15, 2015 12:26
Yesterday, I reached 300th post.

I had written about the number of my posts every 100 posts, but I completely forgot it yesterday.

Therefore, sadly this is the 301st post.

So far, I have somehow kept the ratio of the number of my posts to the number of my corrections.

From now on also, I would like to keep my itsy-bitsy work.

【No. 0300】It's Difficult to Keep a Diary

Oct 14, 2015 14:40
It has proven scientifically that writing a diary is good for you.

In particular, it can restore your mental balance.

If it was a bad day, I would write the detail on my diary, and recover myself.

However, it's difficult to keep a diary for many people.

In such cases, please try to keep a diary for three weeks (it's also okay if the diary is only one line) .

In the field of brain science, it's said that if you continue to do something for three weeks, it will be your habit.

【No. 0299】Croissant

Oct 13, 2015 10:03
Although I like croissants, I didn't know the meaning of it.

Croissant is the word borrowed from French, and means crescent moon.

However, most croissants that are sold in Japanese bakeries have triangle shapes.

The appearance is similar to bread rolls, and it doesn't have crescent shapes.

Crescent shape croissants seem to use butter, while triangle shape croissants seem to use margarine.

I don't know whether I can call triangle shape croissants croissant or I can't.

【No. 0298】Alumni Association

Oct 12, 2015 16:10
Last night, an alumni association of our laboratory was held.

Since I was able to meet and talk with various people after a long time, it was very fun.

However, although I was the organizer, I had too much to drink.

Shame on me.

【No. 0297】Chameleon

Oct 11, 2015 13:55
Chameleons are often thought as they can change their colors depending on the sceneries.

However, actually chameleons change their color depending on their feelings, lights, temperatures.

Also, they change their bodies to bright colors during fighting, but if they lose the fight, their bodies will become jet black.

By the way, they change their bodies to fancy colors, and do enigmatic dance as a courtship behavior.

This dance is very charming and funny, so please check it if you have time.

【No. 0296】Men Like Right Side

Oct 10, 2015 15:19
Men (especially right-handed men) tend to choose the right side when they stand with women, because of the feeling "I want to protect her."

Also, many of men aren't cautious in right sides of their bodies, and they seem easy to accept the opponents who told to them from their right sides.

In Italy, an experiment that women asked men for one cigarette was conducted.

As a result, men who were told from their right sides accepted the requests twice as often as men who were told from their left sides.

【No. 0295】The Difference Between Dolphins and Whales

Oct 9, 2015 12:46
Both dolphins and whales are classified as infraorder Cetacea, Odontocetes, and there are no biological differences.

The difference between dolphins and whales is just their length of bodies.

Dolphins are small ones of Odontocetes, and whales are large ones of Odontocetes and all of other Cetacea.

The border of them is often defined as three to five meters.

By the way, the largest specie is: blue whale in Cetacea (also in all animals), sperm whale in Odontocetes, killer whale in dolphins.

【No. 0294】Furorida

Oct 8, 2015 10:20
Today, I will introduce a youth slang "furorida."

Recently, Japanese young people seem to use the word "furorida," when they are exchanging messages among friends.

Although the pronunciations of "furorida" and "Florida" are the same in Japan, "furorida" is totally different from Florida of the US.

This is the abbreviated word of "I'm going to take a bath(ふろ:furo), so I exit(りだつ:ridatsu) from this conversation."

Since the amount of such youth slang continues to increase, it's hard to remember.

【No. 0293】Cassini Division

Oct 7, 2015 16:44
Today, I thought a conversation of a couple who likes Saturn.

This is a silly conversation.

Man "If I were the A ring of Saturn, you would be the most likely to be the B ring."

Woman "Yes, I also think so. We has kept a certain distance, it's so close, yet seemed so far away, like the Cassini Division(width of 4,800 km)."

Man "I think It's about time you come to the A ring, we should close the gap, like the Encke Gap(width of 325 km). So Pan (which is the satellite orbiting within the Encke gap, and it implies their child.) will be born between us."

Woman "I want to make the gap contract, until the Keeler Gap(width of 42 km)."

Man "Please do not overshoot and reach the F ring. It seems very hard to fill the Roche Division(width of 3,000 km), haha."

【No. 0292】Photography in a Photo Studio

Oct 6, 2015 18:20
Today, I went to a photo studio, and had my photograph for my resume taken.

Actually, I previously used a photo taken with an iPhone by my friend.

However, my teacher said "since your photo will be checked finely, it should be taken in the appropriate place," so I decided to go to the photo studio.

In the photo studio, the owner checked many things, such as my posture, direction of my eyes, my tie, and wrinkle in my shirt.

It took a little money, but a very nice photographs was printed.

This makes me feel as if I can do well at my job hunting.

【No. 0291】Banana is similar to a human?

Oct 5, 2015 15:45
The human genome is composed of about 3.1 billion base pairs, and it contains about 22 thousand genes.

Actually, human genes and monkey genes are the 99 percent same.

Human genes and sea urchin genes are the 70 percent same.

Human genes and drosophila genes are the 60 percent same.

And, human genes and banana genes are the 50 percent same.

If you should replace half of your genes, you could transform yourself to any living matters.

【No. 0290】Sleepiness after a Meal

Oct 4, 2015 14:27
Have you ever felt sleepy after your meal?

It is considered that this symptom is caused by a brain hormone "orexin."

Humans secrete orexin when hungry, then they get the urge to eat something, and the wakefulness is promoted.

However, when the belly is full, the secretion amount of orexin will decrease, and it will make us feel sleepy.

Therefore, you can keep wakefulness by skipping your meals, but don't do that because it brings more harm than good.

In order to increase the amount of orexin, and keep wakefulness, you should taste and enjoy your meals slowly over time.

【No. 0289】Ice Cream Preservation Method

Oct 3, 2015 13:59
I like ice cream, and I often eat it in summer.

However, if you put ice cream into freezer for a long time, it may be too hard.

Furthermore, ice cream may oxidized and lose taste by touching air, and smells of other hood may move to the ice cream.

In order to prevent them, and preserve ice cream while keeping its taste, it is recommended to pack using ziploc bags or plastic containers.

【No. 0288】Darashinai (Scruffy)

Oct 2, 2015 12:26
Today, I'd like to introduce a Japanese term "darashi-nai."

"Darashi-nai" means something like "scruffy" or "sloppy."

However, no Japanese can explain what is "darashi."

Actually, "darashi" has no meaning, and "darashi-nai" is an anagram of "shidara-nai."

"Shidara" is derived from "Zidaraku(means sloppy)," and "nai" emphasize "shidara."

The reason why "shidaranai" became "darashinai" is thought that initial dullness could give a bad impression, or it's similar to the Japanese imitative word "daradara(means lazy)."

【No. 0287】Sentences on my Homepage

Oct 1, 2015 12:35
The following sentences will be posted on my homepage. I would like to create English version page, so I would appreciate it if you could correct my sentences.

These days, I write some sentences in English every day on a language exchange social networking website called Lang-8. At first, I had mainly wrote my diary, but gradually what I write about was rolling away, and I began to write trivial things in English. Since the trivia has been piled up, I have a mind to post it in two languages (Japanese/English) for myself in my study. Although these sentences were corrected by native speakers, there might be some parts that the nuances are different or some minor mistakes. If you noticed these points, it is much appreciated if you could advise me.

【No. 0286】Dehay's Axiom

Sep 30, 2015 14:44
Some people put simple jobs off, and try to complete complex jobs.

Because they think there will be time to these simple jobs later.

However, in most cases, completing simple jobs ahead seems to be more productive.

This psychological law is called Dehay's Axiom.

Actually, I eat all foods that I don't like first, then eat favorite foods.

This also might be Dehay's Axiom.

【No. 0285】Chronostasis

Sep 29, 2015 13:26
Have you ever felt a second hand of a clock seems to have stopped more than one second when you suddenly see the clock?

This phenomenon is called 'chronostasis.'

When your eyes move rapidly (called saccade), your sense of time will be slightly extended, so the false sense that the second hand has stopped will occur.

The reason is thought that your brain try to fill the gap of viewpoints.

Chronostasis is caused by not only visual, but also auditory stimuli.

【No. 0284】Super Blood Moon

Sep 28, 2015 15:07
Today, you can see a "Supermoon," that is the closest moon to Earth.

The brightness will increase by 30%, and the size will increase by 14% compared to a normal moon.

Furthermore, in the West or Africa, a "Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon)" will also be seen at the same time.

It is the first time in 33 years that both the Supermoon and the Total Lunar Eclipse (Super Blood Moon) can be seen simultaneously.

【No. 0283】Air Cleaner with Humidification Function

Sep 27, 2015 12:37
This month, two friends stayed over at my apartment.

However, both of them said that their throats feel sore when they woke up.

Apparently, there seemed to be a lot of house dust in my room, and the room seemed to be too dry.

So yesterday, I bought an air cleaner with humidification function.

This includes a duct sensor, and I can see the amount of dust in my room.

At first, it said that the amount of dust is less in my room, but the sensor reacted when I started to clean my room, and the air cleaning function was boosted automatically.

I will clean up my room frequently to prevent visitors from damaging their throats.