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【No. 0322】Buttons on Sleeves of School Uniforms

Nov 5, 2015 14:20
Today, I learned the reason why buttons are put on sleeves of school uniforms.

It was occurred when Napoleon's army tried to invade Russia.

Since it was too cold, many soldiers wiped their runny nose using their sleeve.

Napoleon watched them, and angrily said something like "stop doing things like that, it's a shame."

Then he put buttons on sleeves so that they can't wipe their nose.

【No. 0321】Chin-chin (dialect)

Nov 4, 2015 12:31
Today, I'd like to explain a dialect "chin-chin" in Aichi Prefecture where I was born.

It represents that something is very hot, we use it in the following manner.

・The kettle is chin-chin.
・The tea is chin-chin.

This phrase came from a sound of a kettle's lid when water is boiling.

However, this is just a dialect, and it could become a different meaning in other areas.

Therefore, please use it with utmost caution.

【No. 0320】Drop-kick

Nov 3, 2015 13:03
When human beings are electrified from an electrical wire or an outlet, they will become immobile.

However, if you try to help them, there is a risk that you could also be electrified.

The best way to help them is drop-kick.

Since most soles are made of rubber, any current does not pass.

If you have little confidence to do drop-kick, you can also hurl yourself against them.

【No. 0319】Taste of Your Tears

Nov 2, 2015 15:41
Have you ever licked your tears?

Actually, the taste of your tears slightly changes depending on your emotion.

When you are happy, impressed, or trying to deceive someone, your tears are similar to water and have little taste.

On the other hand, when you are excited, angry, or frustrated, your tears will become salty.

The reason is because strong emotions make the sympathetic nerve dominant, and the sodium excretion of kidney is suppressed, then the sodium concentration of tears increases.

Therefore, you could check people's emotions from the taste of their tears.

【No. 0318】Proverbs about Failure

Nov 1, 2015 12:24
Today, I learned Polish proverbs.

One of them is "Even the best baker sometimes fail to bake bread."

This literally indicates that even the master in the field can make a mistake.

Actually, there are many proverbs that have the same meaning, for example:

・Kobo (master in Shodo) sometimes slip of the ink brush.
・Even monkeys fall from trees.
・Kappa (water imp) get washed away by the river current.

I think there are similar proverbs in most counrties.

However, according to the Japanese dictionary site, there were as many as eighteen proverbs that have similar meanings.

【No. 0317】"Kachin to kuru" and "Kochin to kuru"

Oct 31, 2015 14:27
There is the Japanese phrase "kachin to kuru," which expresses anger.

"Kachin" is a hitting sound of hard things.

Since we feel like something is hit in our brains when we feel anger, the phrase "kachin to kuru" was born.

"Kachin to kuru" is actually the more moderate expression than "angry."

There is also the anger expression "kochin to kuru," which is the more genial than "kachin to kuru."

"Kochin" is a kind of hollow sounds, so we think of it as a weaker hitting sound than "Kachin."

However, I have never seen someone use "kochin to kuru."

"Kochin to kuru" is the really unfamiliar expression.

【No. 0316】The Meaning of Aka (Red)

Oct 30, 2015 12:18
The Japanese word "aka (red) " has various meanings.

For example, aka includes meanings something like "obviously" or "completely," and is used like "赤の他人(aka no tanin: complete stranger)" or "真っ赤な嘘(makka na uso: barefaced lie)."

Also, since we have written deficits using red color in bookkeeping, the expression "赤字(akaji: deficits)" was born.

Similarly, we refer to a bad score on a test as "赤点(akaten)."

Meanwhile, we call babies "赤ちゃん(aka-chan)," "赤ん坊(akanbou)" or "赤子(akago)," because their skins look red.

【No. 0315】Ichi-moku Oku

Oct 29, 2015 16:44
Today, I'd like to explain the phrase "ichi-moku oku (place one stone)," derived from the board game called Go.

In Go, a weaker will sometimes start the game with placing one (or several) stone.

From such a thing, we have become to say "ichi-moku oku" when we acknowledge someone's superiority.

For example, the phrase is used like the following:

Since this kid was remarkable, I acknowledge his superiority.

However, it is rude that you say "ichi-moku oku" to elders and betters, so please be careful when you use it.

【No. 0314】Mayonnaise

Oct 28, 2015 13:44
I like mayonnaise.

Since mayonnaise is often used as ingredients of rice balls and breads in Japan, I think many Japanese like mayonnaise.

However, Russians eat more mayonnaise per capita than any other nation in the world (the amount is 5.1 kg).

In Russian households, they sometimes seem to use an entire bottle of mayonnaise for one dish.

Winters in Russia are very cold, so presumably they supplement calories with mayonnaise.

【No. 0313】Price of Beer

Oct 27, 2015 14:19
I heard beer is very expensive in Japan.

Roughly, a glass of beer (400 ml) costs 500-600 yen (4-5 dollars) in taverns.

What do you think about this compared to your country?

One of the reason why beer is expensive is height of taxes on alcohol (alcohol tax).

If you are fond of drink, take care when you comes to Japan.

【No. 0312】Suspicious Individual

Oct 26, 2015 10:51
Yesterday my physical condition was bad, so I slept after I went shopping and ate lunch.

Then the intercom rang, and the door opened while I was going to the entrance.

No doubt I forgot to lock the door.

I was very surprised because a stranger tried to enter my room.

The man also looked surprised, and he said "sorry, I made a mistake," then he left.

I was a little scared.

【No. 0311】White Chocolate

Oct 25, 2015 10:19
I like white chocolates, and sometimes eat them, but I heard there is little advantage compared to ordinary chocolates.

Chocolates contains polyphenols, which are effective in preventing aging, cancer and arteriosclerosis, while white chocolates don't contains them.

Also, since white chocolates are comsists of just fat and oil of cacao, the calories are higher and the preserving property is lower than chocolates.

A doctor said that white chocolates are the same as the mass of fat and sugar, and he don't recommend that you eat it.

【No. 0310】School Festival

Oct 24, 2015 14:20
Today, a school festival is being held at my university.

Although I can hear sounds played by various bands, I have to write my thesis.

In the afternoon, I went to the venue, and bought takoyaki and a frankfurter, then ate them in my laboratory.

It was delicious, but I was a little lonely.

【No. 0309】Furin (wind chimes)

Oct 23, 2015 12:49
Summer in Japan, we often see furin.

Furin is called "wind chimes" in English, and it tinkles with cool sounds while winds are blowing.

When we hear the sound of hurin, our brains are misled into thinking that it's cool, and our body surface temperature drops about 2 degrees.

However, this law seems to be applicable only to Japanese people, and not applicable to overseas people.

I think it's really interesting that such a sound can decrease our body temperature.

【No. 0308】Let's Count Six Seconds

Oct 22, 2015 09:47
An emotion "anger" is very susceptible to the temporal mood.

It's said that you particularly get emotional within six seconds after you feel anger towards something.

Also, it's also said that a terrible anger emotion can persist for only a maximum of six seconds.

Therefore, if you feel anger towards something, please count six seconds calmly.

By doing this, you can prevent bad actions, and regrets will be reduced.

【No. 0307】Sleeping After Waking Up

Oct 21, 2015 11:21
I often go back to sleep after waking up.

It is thought that since going back to sleep become light sleep, and stimuli from outsides become mild, it feels good.

However, I actually want to get up early, so I searched for methods to prevent from it.

According to the Internet, it seems good to move your body forcibly and drink a glass of water.

I will try to do this from tomorrow.

【No. 0306】Evolved Washlet

Oct 20, 2015 14:22
Washlet toilets (or shower toilets) are popular in Japan.

In fact, a toilet placed in my apartment has also the washlet function.

However, a Japanese company developed a new toilet.

Surprisingly, the toilet has a function that wiping automatically your anus using toilet tissues after using washlets.

I think this crossed the line.

This toilet will be released next summer.

【No. 0305】Cunning

Oct 19, 2015 13:57
Japanese people call "a fraud in a test" "カンニング(cunning)."

"カンニング" is derived from an English word "cunnning," but the meaning is different.

The meaning of "カンニング(cunning)" in Japan is actually "cheating " or "cribbing" in English.

The reason why the meaning changed is said that a student extended the meaning of "cunning," and started to use it as the meaning of "cheating" implicitly in Meiji Period.

【No. 0304】Limit of Heartbeat

Oct 18, 2015 13:12
Our hearts have an upper limit for the number of beating times, and it is said that the number is around 1.5-2 billions.

Actually, most mammals have the same limits regardless of their body sizes.

The life expectancy depends on their beats per minute.

Since my heart rate was 70 bpm, when the upper limit was 20 billions, the length of my life would be around 56 years.

Now I'm a little scared.

【No. 0303】Japan "KARAAGE" Association

Oct 17, 2015 15:15
Today I found "Japan KARAAGE Association" on the internet.

In the association, members have exchanged karaage information, and held karaage events (karaage is a popular fried food in Japan).

Actually, I love karaage, so I applied for the association by taking the karaage certificate exam.

Then, an acceptance letter arrived in my mailbox immediately, and I became a member of the association (called a karaagenist).

If given the chance, I'd like to participate in karaage events, and eat a lot of karaage.