Hashiyasume (箸休め - Palate Cleanser)

Dec 9, 2023 13:38

In Japanese cuisine, small dishes like pickles or vinegared vegetables served between main dishes are called 'hashiyasume' (箸休め).

Since 'hashi' (箸) means "chopsticks," and 'yasume' (休め) means "resting," the literal meaning of 'hashiyasume' is "resting chopsticks."

By giving your chopsticks a rest with the above small dishes (i.e., 'hashiyasume'), you can enhance your enjoyment of the main dish.

In addition, the term 'hashiyasume' can also be used metaphorically in some situations as well as for a dish.

For example, it can mean "aside" or "side stories" in a discussion, implying a break from the main topic.


「箸」は "chopsticks"、「休め」は "resting" を意味するので、「箸休め」の文字どおりの意味は "resting chopsticks" となります。



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  • Hashiyasume (箸休め - Palate Cleanser)
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  • Hashiyasume
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japanese cuisine, small dishes like pickles or vinegared vegetables served between main dishes are called 'hashiyasume' (箸休め).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'hashi' (箸) means "chopsticks," and 'yasume' (休め) means "resting," the literal meaning of 'hashiyasume' is "resting chopsticks."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By giving your chopsticks a rest with the above small dishes (i.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • e., 'hashiyasume'), you can enhance your enjoyment of the main dish.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, the term 'hashiyasume' can also be used metaphorically in some situations as well as for a dish.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For example, it can mean "aside" or "side stories" in a discussion, implying a break from the main topic.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
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