Nekura (根暗 - Gloomy Personality): Part 2

Oct 10, 2023 19:47
Nekura: Part 2

In the 1980s, as a synonym for 'nekura' (根暗 - meaning "gloomy personality"), the term 'neaka' (根明), which means "cheeful personality," also became popular.

However, while 'nekura' continues to be used today, 'neaka' is rarely used.

There is a slang term similar to 'nekura', called 'in-kya' (陰キャ), which is short for 'inki na kyarakutā' (陰気なキャラクター - meaning "gloomy character").

Its antonym is 'yō-kya' (陽キャ), short for 'yōki na kyarakutā' (陽気なキャラクター meaning "cheeful character"), and 'yō-kya' is more commonly used compared to 'neaka'.

As you can guess, since 'nekura' and 'in-kya' are insulting expressions, you should be careful when using them toward others.
根暗 Part 2





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  • Nekura (Gloomy Personality): Part 2
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  • Nekura: Part 2
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In the 1980s, as a synonym for 'nekura' (根暗 - meaning "gloomy personality"), the term 'neaka' (根明), which means "cheeful personality," also became popular.
  • In the 1980s, an antonym for 'nekura' (根暗 - meaning "gloomy personality"), the term 'neaka' (根明), meaning "cheerful personality," also became popular.
  • However, while 'nekura' continues to be used today, 'neaka' is rarely used.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • There is a slang term similar to 'nekura', called 'in-kya' (陰キャ), which is short for 'inki na kyarakutā' (陰気なキャラクター - meaning "gloomy character").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Its antonym is 'yō-kya' (陽キャ), short for 'yōki na kyarakutā' (陽気なキャラクター meaning "cheeful character"), and 'yō-kya' is more commonly used compared to 'neaka'.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As you can guess, since 'nekura' and 'in-kya' are insulting expressions, you should be careful when using them toward others.
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