Nekura (根暗 - Gloomy Personality): Part 1

Oct 9, 2023 07:19
Nekura: Part 1

People sometimes use the term 'nekura' (根暗) to describe someone with a fundamentally dark personality.

'Nekura' is short for 'shōne ga kurai' (性根が暗い - meaning "one's personality is dark") and was coined by the manga artist Jun Ishikawa.

In the 1980s, the famous TV entertainer Tamori became fond of this term and used it in a TV program, which led to its popularization.

Originally, 'nekura' means a personality that appears cheerful on the surface but is fundamentally dark. However, today, it is often used to describe a dark personality both on the surface and fundamentally.
根暗 Part 1


「根暗」は "one's personality is dark" を意味する「性根が暗い」という表現を省略した言葉で、漫画家のいしかわじゅん氏による造語とされています。


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  • Nekura (Gloomy Personality): Part 1
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  • Nekura: Part 1
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • People sometimes use the term 'nekura' (根暗) to describe someone with a fundamentally dark personality.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Nekura' is short for 'shōne ga kurai' (性根が暗い - meaning "one's personality is dark") and was coined by the manga artist Jun Ishikawa.
  • 'Nekura' is short for 'shōne ga kurai' (性根が暗い - meaning "one's personality is dark"), an expression coined by the manga artist Jun Ishikawa.
  • In the 1980s, the famous TV entertainer Tamori became fond of this term and used it in a TV program, which led to its popularization.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Originally, 'nekura' means a personality that appears cheerful on the surface but is fundamentally dark.
  • Originally, 'nekura' meant a personality that appears cheerful on the surface but is fundamentally dark.
  • However, today, it is often used to describe a dark personality both on the surface and fundamentally.
  • However, today it is often used to describe a dark personality both on the surface and inside.
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