Misu (ミス - Mistake/Miss)

Apr 28, 2023 18:21

On April 24, I made a 'misu' (ミス - meaning "mistake") of missing the submit button on Lang-8.

(That is why I am posting two articles today.)

Until today, I believed that 'misu' came from the English word "mistake."

In fact, many Web sites explain such a theory.

However, I learned that the English word "miss" also includes the meaning of "failure."

According to the Internet, the "miss" came from the Old English "missan," and from the Germanic "missjan," meaning "to go wrong."



「ミス」は「失敗」を意味する和製英語で、私は英語の "mistake" から来ていると思っていました。


しかし、英語の "miss" にも「失敗」の意味が含まれることを知りました。

「失敗する」を意味する古英語の "missan"、さらには「間違う」を意味するゲルマン語の "missjan" に由来するそうです。
No. 1 O-Star
  • Misu (ミス - Mistake/Miss)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Misu
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On April 24, I made a 'misu' (ミス - meaning "mistake") of missing the submit button on Lang-8.
  • On April 24, I made a 'misu' (ミス - meaning "mistake") of not pressing/missing the submit button on Lang-8.
  • (That is why I am posting two articles today.)
  • (That is why I am posting two entries today.)
  • Until today, I believed that 'misu' came from the English word "mistake."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In fact, many Web sites explain such a theory.
  • In fact, many websites explain such a theory.
  • However, I learned that the English word "miss" also includes the meaning of "failure."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • According to the Internet, the "miss" came from the Old English "missan," and from the Germanic "missjan," meaning "to go wrong."
  • According to the Internet, the "miss" came from the Old English "missan," and from the Germanic "missjan," meaning "to go wrong."
Thank you for correcting me! (^^)
You're welcome!