Shibō (しぼう - Wish/Death/Fat/Ovary)

Apr 25, 2023 13:51

As you may know, the Japanese language has many homonyms.

Yesterday I typed 'shibō' (しぼう) on my keyboard and nearly made a dangerous mistake when converting it to kanji.

What I wanted to type was 'shibō' (志望), which means "wish," "desire," and "ambition."

However, the first result that appeared in the conversion candidates was 死亡, which means "death."

The text would have meant something completely different.

Since other possible conversion results include 脂肪, which means "fat," and 子房, which means "ovary," be careful when converting 'shibō' to kanji.



私が打ちたかったのは「志望」で、"wish" や "desire"、"ambition" などの意味を持つ言葉です。

しかし、変換候補ではじめに出てきたのは「死亡」で、"death" を意味します。

他にも "fat" を意味する「脂肪」や、"ovary" を意味する「子房」となる可能性もありますので、漢字変換の際は注意が必要です。
No. 1 Amop567
  • As you may know, the Japanese language has many homonyms.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Yesterday I typed 'shibō' (しぼう) on my keyboard and nearly made a dangerous mistake when converting it to kanji.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • What I wanted to type was 'shibō' (志望), which means "wish," "desire," and "ambition."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, the first result that appeared in the conversion candidates was 死亡, which means "death."
  • However, the first kanji suggestion that came up result that appeared in the conversion candidates was 死亡, which means "death."

    "conversion candidates" isn't used to my knowledge

  • The text would have meant something completely different.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since other possible conversion results include 脂肪, which means "fat," and 子房, which means "ovary," be careful when converting 'shibō' to kanji.
  • Since other possible conversion results kanji spellings include 脂肪, which means "fat," and 子房, which means "ovary (of a plant)," be careful when converting 'shibō' to kanji.

    My dictionary says 子房 is for plants while 卵巣 is for people

Thank you very much for the corrections! (^^)

> My dictionary says 子房 is for plants while 卵巣 is for people
Yes, I should have been careful with the English multisense word.