Sābisu Zangyō (サービス残業 - Wage Theft)

Apr 7, 2021 21:05
Sābisu Zangyō

Unfortunately, people around me often do 'sābisu zangyō' (サービス残業).

'Sābisu zangyō' is a colloquial term meaning to work overtime without pay, which is known as "wage theft" in English.

Since 'sābisu' (サービス) comes from "service" and 'zangyō' means "(working) overtime," the literal meaning of 'sābisu zangyō' is "service overtime."

Here, "service" is used to mean something like a volunteer service for the company.

It is sometimes called 'sabizan' (サビ残) for short.

A survey by Takushoku University have found that about 40% of Japanese workers are forced to do 'sābisu zangyō'.


「サービス残業」とは、支払われるべき賃金が支払われない時間外労働の俗称で、英語では "wage theft" などと呼ばれます。

「サービス」は "service"、残業は "(working) overtime" を意味するので、サービス残業の文字どおりの意味は "service overtime" となります。



No. 1 仮名
  • Sābisu Zangyō (サービス残業 - Wage Theft)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Unfortunately, people around me often do 'sābisu zangyō' (サービス残業).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Sābisu zangyō' is a colloquial term meaning to work overtime without pay, which is known as "wage theft" in English.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'sābisu' (サービス) comes from "service" and 'zangyō' means "(working) overtime," the literal meaning of 'sābisu zangyō' is "service overtime."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here, "service" is used to mean something like a volunteer service for the company.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is sometimes called 'sabizan' (サビ残) for short.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • A survey by Takushoku University have found that about 40% of Japanese workers are forced to do 'sābisu zangyō'.
  • A survey by Takushoku University has found that about 40% of Japanese workers are forced to do 'sābisu zangyō'.

People from around the world see Japanese people as very hard workers.

Thank you for the correction! :)
Unfortunately, it is said that Japanese people work long hours, but their labor productivity is low.
I can imagine prouctivity being low if people are working unnaturally long hours and not even being paid for some of it. It hurts the workers' health and morale, and takes a mother/father away from the family for so long.